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20 Tricks That Make Minecraft Way Easier
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Learn The Top 20 Tips & Tricks In Minecraft with 20 Insane Minecraft Tricks You MUST Try and 20 Things To Use In Minecraft These 20 Minecraft Tips and Tricks To Make You Go From Noob To Pro and 20 Tricks For Minecraft You Might Not Know since You Can Impress Your Friends With These Tricks in Minecraft and Testing Viral Minecraft Hacks That Are 100% Working and Fact Tips and Tricks in Minecraft 1.19 Bedrock Edition and Java Edition
0:00 – 20 Tricks
0:09 – Cooking Food For Free
0:57 – Easy Nether Experience
1:49 – No Carrots Or Beetroot
2:42 – Slime Block Tricks
3:34 – Fishing Rod Ghast Fight
4:23 – Reverse Potion Effects
5:17 – Instant Mushroom Base
6:10 – Growing Giant Oak Trees
7:09 – Fishing Efficiency Tricks
8:03 – Tunnel Diamond Mining
9:04 – Item Recovery Compass
9:58 – Dealing With Silverfish
10:49 – Water Clearing Cobwebs
11:43 – Sneaking Up On Mobs
12:36 – Making A Dog Army
13:30 – Growing Infinite Nylium
14:26 – Easy Server Chat Tricks
15:24 – Getting Easy Infinite Blocks
16:19 – Best Way To Grow Wood
17:12 – How To Oxidize Copper
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Are you just not aware that if you kill silverfish in a single hit they dont call for help? I seen you make this tip twice and its still less effective than just one shots.
breeding rabbit with carrots 🥕, then you get meat and leather, cow are better?
Nice to see a video for new players, good video
I grow carrots to feed the cute rabbits!
I always have a lava bucket, and water bucket. Just drop it on the foot of a mob for a second then hit with a sword after picking up.
I just check the option to keep my loot on death.
Thank you
10:30 – A fully charged stone axe hit will 1 hit kill silverfish without alerting others. It's much more comfortable to use than a flint and steel.
rain is a popular time for fish to start feeding on insects
Trapdoors have less use on the Nintendo Switch or Pocket Edition, in those versions, trapdoors don't work for crawling. That's sad, hopefully they add it soon.
Personally I use my silk to itch on every minerals and then I bring them to my base where I can mine them with my fortune 3 without risking to loose the fortune pickaxe, also it makes me a XP reserve so I can repair my stuff (with mending) at base and it takes less space in my chests to have minerals as a block of unmined minerals
in java if u wish to mine underwater you can use doors and place them to make an instant air bubble although sadly on bedrock the water takes up the space of the door
Super useful to a noob like me. Many thanks!
I mine every core with silk touch then take them back to the overland once there I take them to my platform and lay them out to which I then pullout picaxe with fortune on it and get more core. It also helps to carry more in mine or nether.
Also noticed bonemealing a tree from one to two blocks above the sapling will cause it to grow taller and fuller even if the block isn't right up next to the sapling.
How come no one talks about sunflowers being a great cover from mobs. I put up 2 rows of Sun flowers around my fence line and as long a SIM in the sunflowers no mobs will see me. So I can literally stand next to a creeper and he will just roam around.
10:49 worth noting that this also works for soft snow in mountains!
This guy sounds almost exactly like Chills
My friend is laughing at me for using rotten flesh for my dogs 😅 maybe he doesn't know that ut works😂
I actually get a lot of xp just traiding carrots (and pumpkin, melon, potatos) with villagers. Great stuff.