20 Things You Should Know if you Just Got back into Minecraft

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20 Things You Should Know if you Just Got back into Minecraft

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Learn 20 Things You Didn’t Know About Minecraft 1.19 if you just got back into the game. From basic to more advanced Minecraft Tips and Tricks, these 20 Minecraft Facts with Secret Things You didn’t know about Minecraft and item facts you possibly didn’t know about Minecraft. This video covers 20 Minecraft Facts You Maybe Missed if your just getting back into the game. Enjoy Minecraft 1.19 Facts you never noticed for Bedrock and Java.

0:00 – Intro
0:09 – AFK Fish Farms Broken
1:14 – Crawling With Trapdoors
2:10 – Don’t Mine at Level 11/12
3:03 – Barrels VS Chests
3:46 – New Outpost Features
4:57 – Avoiding Phantoms
5:35 – Glow Squid Features
6:40 – Change Villager Trades
7:28 – Zombie Pigman & Piglins
8:13 – Zoom In With The Spyglass
9:01 – The Wither Rose
9:54 – Fireproof Nether Wood
10:35 – 1.19 Mangrove Wood
11:24 – New Spawnproofing
12:30 – Giant Copper & Iron Vein
13:18 – Nether Respawn / Beds
14:14 – New Useful TNT Mechanics
15:25 – Useful Campfire Features
16:29 – 1.19 Chest Boats
17:03 – Deep Dark Shriekers


35 thoughts on “20 Things You Should Know if you Just Got back into Minecraft”

  1. This one caught me: mobs (Zombies & Skeletons, at least) no longer automatically swim to the surface.
    I found a Dungeon with a Zombie spawner and spent an hour or so (trying to remember) building an old style, water elevator XP farm. All my Zombies turned to Drowned, stayed in the spawning chamber, and clogged the whole thing up.

  2. Why am I getting back into Minecraft after a 12 year history with the game? Because it hasn't been improved upon by the MMO community. This is still the best sandbox game ever!!

  3. I haven't played since before the pandemic (and even then I was a little behind and not completely up-to-date on my minecraft knowledge) so this is very helpful, thank you! I hate the Phantoms and Wardens they added, ugh, although Phantoms were a thing even back in 2020. The deep dark is fine, and actually pretty cool, I just hate the Warden because I'm a scaredy cat that can't stand horror games lol. Same reason I more or less hate Phantoms, they're not only annoying but they screech and swoop down on you from out of nowhere scaring the bejeezus outta me while I'm gathering resources or building lol.

  4. When I was quite new to minecraft, I thought you had to precisely follow crafting recipes so I was running around a spruce forest and went into a birch forest just to find oak logs and strip them 🤣

  5. 6:41 Thank you, thank you THANK YOU so much for that tip about the villager changing trade items. A villager I was trading in wheat was zombified, (I don't know why, I should have placed more lights in the village, probably I thought the iron golem was enough protection and it gave me a false sense of security) and when I arrived, the villager got burned down by the sunlight. I was shocked to see a zombie in the middle of the village, and before I realized I need to cover this villager up so I could attempt to dezombify it one day, it got turned to ashes.

  6. Fantastic video. Learned so much after getting back into a game I haven't touched for about 2 years. I'd assumed so much was still the same; how worng I was. Amazing to think this game is still getting such great, creative updates. A refreshing change from the rest of the gaming devs who are hell-bent on a quick-fire release of a sub-standard game and ditch it a short time later for their next venture. Thanks again. Earned a subscriber for sure.

  7. I don't like the warden, I have a weird complex when it comes to Video games, I have the odd need to be able to kill everything in the game, and that thing is dang near unkillable.

  8. THANK YOU FOR THIS. I have been trying to find a recent video like this for the longest time and this is the only one I saw. I’ve only been playing on pvp servers since the 1.9 update and this will definitely help me get back into survival

  9. The barrel idea is so bad lol.

    3 planks to make 6 slabs.

    6 planks + 2 slabs = 1 barrel.

    4 slabs left over but used a total of 9 planks to make 1 barrel as opposed to 8 planks to make 1 chest.

    Let’s say we made sure we used the other 4 slabs, which would end up being 3 barrels total. 18 planks + 6 slabs = 4 barrels which would be a total of 21 planks.

    3 chests = 24 planks.

    So if you extend to a 3 chest/3 plank scenario, you save yourself 3 planks making 3 barrels as opposed to 3 chests.

    Economy-wise, I guess that matters?

    Some minor problems being when bulk-storing dirt and cobblestone early game, some might prefer a double chest over barrels for less clicking when looking through the containers.

    Another minor problem being villagers wanting to interact with barrels.

    Is the 3 planks really worth it?


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