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Minecraft 1.20 is right around the corner, which means we get to speculate about which features will be in the next Minecraft update!
Which features are you hoping Mojang adds? Are you going to watch the next Minecraft Live? Let me know in the comments.
0:00 Inventory Update
1:13 Update Old Structures
1:59 Desert Update
2:49 Food Update
3:55 More Hostile Mobs
4:15 More Uses For Your Off-hand
4:46 Fireflies
4:59 Update Commands / Resource Packs
5:30 Jukebox Automation
5:53 Hopper Filters
6:42 Faster Minecarts
7:12 Echo Shards
7:36 Fletching Table
8:03 Particle Emitting Blocks
8:33 Deep Dark Portal
9:01 End Update
———— MUSIC ————
All music belongs to Qumu: https://www.youtube.com/c/qumumusic
Mario Kart Wii – Coconut Mall [Remix]
New Super Mario Bros – Overworld [Remix]
Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow – Pallet Town [Remix]
Mario Kart 64 – Koopa Troopa Beach [Winter Holiday Remix]
Minecraft – Sweden [Remix]
If you're excited about new Minecraft content, I made a video about how I added 27 paintings to the game. It's a cool datapack! Go check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIw-0r19Rrc
only if mojang could see this video
Name drop the shader pack?
You can automate jukeboxes in bedrock
Need to stop being so nice the structures and loot are utter dog shit, temples aren't worth the effort, dungeons are never worth looking for, Ocean monuments aren't worth it ….it's boring and there is nothing worth looking for that I simply can't get easily for myself the only thing I do is village raids for totems and look through mineshafts for gapples, the rest apart from electra is very easily collected, wondering traders are a joke , I love the game I've got over 20,000 hours in it but it's dated and there is little to keep me interested now , the ancient city was cool butninwant stuff added like new items , new blocks, be able to place items on half slabs , mix slabs , wall slabs , dogs to be more fun , things to do because it gets boring. nevermind the absolute waste of copper I mean could they not even let us make statues by giving us more shapes
To whoever is watching this video I hope your life will be GREAT and your pillow will be cold forever
i just realized. vanilla can’t use arrows in offhand 🤣
I feel like you can go a lot further with a minecart update than just giving it a basic speed boost. What if instead of normal minecarts going faster which I feel would just break a lot of farms, furnace minecarts got a big speed boost, that would also give them a reason to exist maybe you could enchant them to reduce fuel consumption and/or give an even greater speed boost. A little gui would where you could view the current fuel or potentially even upgrades would also make it feel less like a forgotten feature.
Mojang could also implement a proper coupling mechanic, perhaps you could literally chain them together like how leads work? Currently minecart coupling exists but is super jank and doesn't work around corners.
It would be nice if we could connect tracks between the overworld and nether like how trains work in the create mod.
They gonna make the new black crystal thing like the sword in lord of rings, sting, detects stuff, 2 to make the blade, 9 base attack
Another update could bd the mushroom biome
Can't they add a backpack or something
Mojang: I didn't hear
i just hope if they do another mob vote people dont vote for the shit with no actual use…
imagine how nice the copper golem woulda been man…
Crazy to think that the aquatic update is 5 years old
Crazy to think that the aquatic update is over 5 years old
can you pls tell me the shaders pack name? I really love it❤ 6:54
I want more natural sounds like water falls and birds sounds but they add birds to the game to have it make more sense
Eyy Monster Hunter freedom unite 3:24
Okay everything can you tell in the video gonna have Minecraft on 22 you have no that doesn't wanna go
I like this vid
we need new update of minecraft
Whimzee: "Strays and Husks are awsome, more of those please"
Drowneds: Am i a joke to you?
It’d be sick if u could tame a little dragon so u can explore the end without an elytra
Aynone knows whats the texture/shaders pack used in this video?
4:47 please mojang
Bring notch back pls… back in the day, almost every week had an update and he listened to every comment from community, now, mojang is almost like losing their creativity, not judging anybody, but cmon…
Don't touch the old structures! Don't you dare defame the part of the story you haven't reached yet!
I don't think we will be getting a structure update cause we resently got ancient ciites
inventory update is trash and will be ruin minecraft
What Shader Pack are you using? How to change the void Texture? Btw the video is very useful,Keep it up 😄
I’m an atheist
Why does i
oh my gooddd😅 this is so amazin
I really want to see the desert be updated! The end update would also be cool- but as a players who mostly builds and plays Minecraft to relax, I’m not one who’s going into the end very often lol
This is the first time ive seen your video but that outro made me subscribe man that was just awesome lmao