Why are there NO good Minecraft magic mods? #dejatwo

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28 thoughts on “Why are there NO good Minecraft magic mods? #dejatwo”

  1. Ars Novou? Botanica? Astral Sorcery? Depends on what kind you imagine.
    Ars Novou is pretty much making your own spells only with a book and a mana bar
    Botanica is a kind of flower engineering but has a lot of magical items working with mana.
    Astral Sorcery has its own kind of understanding of how to achieve something.

    Ars Novou can be balanced enough to not ruin MC itself. But you can even go all in and never use tools again.

  2. Thaumcraft 6 is great but it was never finished. Theyre working on Thaumcraft 7 which will have a bunch of new stuff and updated to kodern versions, but its slow going on news about it

  3. Idk how you'd go about making a magic mod that fits the style anf feel of minecraft. Like best i can think of is just enchantment effects that you can use with like a staff, so like you can cause lightning to strike if its thundering(channeling), you can instantly freeze a path of water(frost walker) or cause mobs around you to light on fire(fire aspect/flame) but yeah idk how youd do a minecrafty magic mod

  4. Ik actually making one of these Minecraft-ey magic mods but ehhh I'm taking a lot of time and I don't think it'll be an actual "magic" mod before like a year into the future

  5. while this doesn't really fit that much into the "enhanced minecraft" experience i DO genuinely recommend "hex casting" and it's addons, the mod is SO cool, can effectively stand by itself and doesn't really hurt the experience if you engage in it or not (at least in my oppinion)

  6. Staff/wand-bassed magic system:

    You could make the magic that require material components to work, like creating a staff/wand requires a rare new material to recharge what will essentially be "magic durability". You could also make it require new materials to make high-end staff for the big spells.šŸ˜‚

    To limit it a bit make it so that each staff created can only hold one spell, and it needs to be recharged with those new rare materials periodically, spells run on "magic durability" so make it relative to strong the spell effects are and the material the staff is made of. You could also make the "magic durability" slowly drain whenever the staff is equipped.


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