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I unlocked an overpowered custom upgrade that only 1% of players have..
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1% OF PLAYERS HAVE THIS UPGRADE! | Minecraft Skyblock with F1NN5TER
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1% OF PLAYERS HAVE THIS UPGRADE! | Minecraft Sky block One Block
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mchub is a minecraft factions prison break and minecraft skyblock server 1.7 and 1.8 I do lets play most of the time, kinda like hypixel skeppy minecraft server raid on landon 1.18
epic vid!
You CAN bonemeal sugarcane it just has to be from above
Did you try "/fp" with netherwart?
Love that he doesn’t introduce the new guy
17:20 F1nn using auto clicker ?
Hypixel skyblock players would say that those farms are nothing
Finn when you power the generator I believe it increases the groeth rate of crops as well.
Ok what. I swear, last time I watched this person's videos, he looked like a dude. did I finally break? Am I insane? What is happening?
Finn is killing my hypixel skyblock brain
"they drop FiSh?" -Fin 2022
whats the ability that he uses to trow blocks sry if i misspelled something
Finn…when building this farm…have u tried FP on crop placements?
let me get unblacklisted gang
What if you made multiple of these farms. It would be expensive but would pay off.
Seeing the unused space on the pumpkin and melon farm just made me want to cry 💀😭
(Charm hit= Critical hit)if it has a 2% chance, then it's 2%. in theory is shuld happen 1 in 50. We say that the robot hits 5 times in a minute and its 2% chance every hit. It should take 5 min to get the critical hit(50 hits) but its only 2% the whole time so if you un lucky it can take 15min(150hits before you get critical hit) So let's say it would go up 2% for every non-critical hit then we'd be guaranteed a critical hit in 5 minutes.
Finn I just noticed something if your blue sound bars resemble Minecraft blocks and your shutter screen thing window anyways resemble a block and your floor panel reserve or blocks why is the sun touching sand.? Mmmmmmmmm
you can use 1 bonemeal on a sugarcane to make it grow into a 3 high sugar cane
You lose ur stuff in pve? I dont
What command did he use in 29:59 to build those rows automatically
You can bonemeal suger cane
the fact that fin didnt use old faction melon and pumpkin farms hurts, it hurts fin you know better