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minecraft bedrock duplication glitch , minecraft duplication glitch , minecraft duplication glitch ps4 , minecraft duplication glitch pe , minecraft duplication glitch xbox , minecraft duplication glitch bedrock , minecraft duplication glitch bedrock edition , minecraft glitch , minecraft duplication glitch xbox one , minecraft dupe glitch , minecraft bedrock , minecraft , minecraft duplication glitch 1.16.6, minecraft duplication glitch 1.16.6, minecraft ps4,
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just saying it doesnt work on realms if yall wondering and it is legit it works
I think you should show an X-RAY glitch so we can see under ground!
Nice! Going to try this on a server..
Please make an xp glitch
Does it work on 16.5?
Does it work on multiplayer world
Do we need to have auto save on or off
Work 1.16.50?
It worked and it’s great but it doesn’t work sometimes. Can you tell me how to get it every time? Thank you.
What do I do after the glitch works thanks so much btw
Does this work on a realm
69th like no joke
Does this work with ender pearls
Do you have to go into the copy world or can you go into the original world idk why but it slightly bothers me for some reason that it won’t be the original world. 😂😂
Does it work for multiplayer servers?
can I do this on a realm
Thanks mate you deserve a like! And subscribe
Doesn't work on the switch because of the autosave even of you close the application it still saves
So you use diamonds to get diamonds?
Isnt working for pe
It worked thank you bro!
Subscribe now.
You a real one man
I searched up how to duplicate potatos lol
Does it work with the Dragon egg?
Which controller you use pls reply!!😁😔
It took a couple of tries but still works and works offline
If I’m playing an offline world do really need to make a copy of the world? You can’t get banned for glitches offline right?
Anybody know why this works? I’m looking into seeing if I can expand this by possibly using hoppers or something
I didnt even break the sand and i still got diamonds thanks!
Does this still work after the servers update on ps4
I wish the piston dupe was back
Thank you so much, subbed.
Quick tip: if you want to keep doing the glitch, make sure to move to another location and start the process from step 1 for better results
Sadly doesn’t work on IOS 🙁
Doesn’t work, I’ve don’t the same steps about 3-4 times now, great concept though!
Omg. I am usually very cautious about things like these because a lot of them don't work so I was so surprised when this one did! I did it twice and it worked both times. Thank u so much for this!! You have got yourself another subscriber!! 🙂
Dude thank you so much I'm trying.to make a kelp farm and I need one more slime ball thank you so much
Works to this day.got my elytra bac caz I lost it in lava :<
What is the link to the realm duplication
it worked then I lost everything:(
This is the most consistent one I’ve seen. Thanks man.