You're Not Alone! Minecraft Creepypasta Bedrock

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If we only knew just what was always hiding!
I am RayGloom (ray gloom), and this is my channel for the Bedrock versions of Minecraft creepypastas! That’s Minecraft windows 10, ps4, xbox, console, pocket edition, bedrock edition, nintendo switch, android, iOS, iPadOS, Fire, Oculus, um, playstation, whatever, etc.

These are scary Minecraft creepypasta in the BEDROCK version of Minecraft!

WARNING! Jumpscares are often in these videos! You have been warned!

I really enjoy making creepypasta videos with horror, jumpscenes, and other fun scary elements! This includes videos with giant alex, minecraft creepypasta seeds, creepypasta herobrine, and other Minecraft Creepypasta stories! I may also do Minecraft creepypasta roleplays or tutorials on my creepypastas or how to build some creepypasta builds/maps. Also, should I try Minecraft 100 days, creepypasta style? Maybe even Minecraft in Ohio?

Just a note: my videos are only for entertainment. These are not meant to be taken seriously.


If you enjoy my content, I suggest looking up similar YouTubers like WildDogxd, Shark, Eystreem, mrhoneybun, GephoMC, and Not William. There are other YouTubers who are similar to my experiment videos like PrestonPlayz, DanTDM, and some of my horror manhunt videos like Dream, Sapnap, tommyinnit, and georgenotfound.
Enjoy! This is done in Minecraft!

#creepypasta #minecraftcreepypasta

My royalty free music sources!: YouTube audio library, Scott Buckley:, Audionautix:, Purple Planet:, Incompetech:, Teknoaxe:, AdrianVonZieglar ( this is where I bought his music: ), Vindsvept ( this is where I bought his music: ), and sometimes
I’ve also started using Music By MYUU – Royalty Free
2nd Link:


34 thoughts on “You're Not Alone! Minecraft Creepypasta Bedrock”

  1. Bro what- 😶💀
    I haven't even finished watching "if multiple blood entities appear in your world DELETE IT!" (I'm 4 hours in) and I haven't even STARTED watching the golems with bloody smiles video that's AFTER the multiple blood entities video- 💀

    I'll watch this video "You're Not Alone!" later ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


    edit: NO OFFENSE to Ray!!! 😅😅😅🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️

  2. Strange/Sightings timestamps:

    0:42 Cobblestone… (Strange)
    2:54 Stop and looks around in strange feeling 1 (Strange)
    4:21 Stop and looks around in strange feeling 2 (Strange)
    5:25 Sun stopped moving (Strange)
    5:51 Sun changed position and started moving again (Strange)
    9:0910:25 Huh? Where's the treasure chest?! (Strange)
    10:5013:45 Doors opened, crops missing, chest empty, missing farmland block and no villagers? (Strange)
    13:45 Still has strange feeling (Strange)
    14:51 Felt and got spooked into something in the village (Strange)(Terrifying?)(Spooked)
    15:38 Two sand blocks floating (Strange)
    17:13 Still has strange feeling (Strange)
    18:42 Anxiety and Adrenaline kicks in (Strange)
    19:34 Light footsteps sound (Strange)(Terrifying?)
    19:56 No friendly mobs (Strange)
    21:13 Panic, night reset, moon changed position, replaced with circle (Strange)(Terrifying)
    21:45 Can't Sleep (Strange)(Confused)(Shocked)(Terrifying)
    22:10 Still has Anxiety and still no friendly mobs (Strange)
    22:31 Scary sound (Strange)(Terrifying)(Panicking)(Spooked)
    24:2225:29 Creature heading towards the player from out of the moon (Strange)(Not alone)(Shocked)(Spooked)(Sighting)(Terrifying)

    25:29 The End

  3. যে জিনিসটা দেখা যাচ্ছে, সেটা মানুষও নয়, জন্তুও নয়, মাছও নয় কিন্তু তিনের সঙ্গেই কিছু কিছু মিল আছে।

  4. Just imagination nothing like that exists. HOWEVER if u still feel kind of scared try to find any of ur frnds whom u know quite well who can have minecraft and play with that frnds or if u have a lot of frnds even better..Play with them

  5. Now for the thanksgiving top tip if you see an headless turkey in your Minecraft world don't fight it because it's the murder turkey and it's more smarter then a regular turkey and also it maybe headless it still can fight so you may not wanna play with it on thanksgiving

  6. Oh so is that the creepypasta that I saw 2 days ago? Wait no it looked more like a black player like Null so that can't be the creepypasta I saw 2 days ago. Anyway I love your videos and keep up with the good work!❤

  7. when my chunks are not loaded i saw a Black person staring at me im so scared and i ran as faster as i can and then i saw him again in can there was a two block tall and i near by gold when i kept mining i got disconnected from now on i refuse to play alone in Minecraft so literally play Roblox rn but its just same as Minecraft im not alone in server


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