YOUR Minecraft PvP Challenges…

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Yeah, it’s a Minecraft Challenges video… This has definitely never been done before.

And with that, my work here is done…

(wearing a cowboy hat as i ride a tricycle into the sunset)

(tricycle falls over)

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Shameless keyword plugs for the algorithm:
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41 thoughts on “YOUR Minecraft PvP Challenges…”

  1. Merry Christmas everyone, I managed to finally get a new video out right as the year is ending. And with that, my work here is done…

    (wearing a cowboy hat as i ride a tricycle into the sunset)

    (tricycle falls over)

  2. Don't know if you're gonna see this comment but: For most of the challenges where you remove a certain item or armor piece from your inventory, you can remove it from your opponents inventory as well. The rules don't say that you cant get rid of your opponent's stuff in the kit settings.


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