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Yeah, it’s a Minecraft Challenges video… This has definitely never been done before.
And with that, my work here is done…
(wearing a cowboy hat as i ride a tricycle into the sunset)
(tricycle falls over)
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Shameless keyword plugs for the algorithm:
pvp legacy, minecraft challenge, 1.20 pvp, capade, leytrex, pvp challenges, minecraft pvp challenges, hours on pvp legacy, minecraft pvp, axe pvp, pvp legacy kits, subscribers challenges, your challenges, your minecraft challenges, your minecraft pvp challenges, annoying pvp, weird pvp kits, slyze, 1.20 uhc, pvp legacy challenge, crystal pvp, no armor challenge, no keyboard challenge, uhc challenge, insane pvp challenges, doly, only_a_squid, clownpierce, lifesteal smp
Merry Christmas everyone, I managed to finally get a new video out right as the year is ending. And with that, my work here is done…
(wearing a cowboy hat as i ride a tricycle into the sunset)
(tricycle falls over)
This guy actually uploaded i have to be having a dream merry Christmas
Slyze: I have no channel today:wtf wait I got channel? Btw u saw me on PvP legacy I’m that dude with username krasapetwin I’m dumb name
I loved the Minecraft but Minecraft challange. The music that you chose proofs that you have emotions 😅.
damn… you still on YT
You also had a bow DA 2:30
Biggest question is how he always fights people with good ping on legacy
7:45 bro sounds like dream
People run from me using blocks two lol
yooo he remembered his youtube password
Remembered ur yt password again?
next challenge: play one game or minecart pvp without leaving like you did to me
He lives
this is what i wish mcyt was like instead of scripted content farm smps and such, i miss when content was just people having goofy fun
no keyboard is wild
diglon slaiz
Ima be honest idc if ur a rip off i watch u because u remind me of technoblade so i enjoy it
5:08 you had strength and u killed him thats unfair
Hello, please can we have your professional email adress to contact you for a collaboration
He’s back
welcome back man
The fact that Slyze does this for OUR entertainment is just gold. We all love you Slyze! 😘 👍
Omfg, he’s actually back
Goat is back 😱
Can you try to kill one guy but you have to get 20 hit combo on him
Don't know if you're gonna see this comment but: For most of the challenges where you remove a certain item or armor piece from your inventory, you can remove it from your opponents inventory as well. The rules don't say that you cant get rid of your opponent's stuff in the kit settings.
He finally remembered he has a YouTube channel
i always see you doing 2v2s with 1spring and you guys always win
Nah I'd win.
i never saw this much long combo in my whole life
5:04 strength 0_o
Trap somone in a cheese house
Yo! I fought you on legacy not to long ago! Love your videos!
U won with no keyboerd?????
Bro finly back❤
Fight clownpierce
U might win
the first challenge was me!