You won't believe what CREATES LAG in Minecraft Create Mod

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I create a factory that produces Redstone from Cushed Netherrack and Strength Potions in the Create Mod.

In this episode I test a whole bunch of mods and specific items in the Create Mod to determine the worst causes of FPS Lag in my Create World.

Mod Pack on CurseForge:

I’m having a great time discovering the Create Mod in this fantastic Minecraft world. Filled with mods that add new biomes, terrain, mobs and so much more, not to mention the Create Mod.

Join me as I explore Create and build an industrial world inside of Minecraft.

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30 thoughts on “You won't believe what CREATES LAG in Minecraft Create Mod”

  1. Im baffled at how much lag Create can cause on its own. I typically play modpacks that range from 100 to 500 mods in a single pack. And even then. I've never had such frame issues. Then again when it came to using create I'd find a way to circumnavigate using the base mod for anything (I.E. Tanks, Belts, Pipes, ect.) and used things like Mekanism pipes or just use Pipez mod to transport mass quantities. Only using tanks and belts when it came to multi-processing factories. But only for the processes. After that I'd use a combo of chest/barrel/drawer and pipe. And when it came to SU generation I'd almost always use the compact electrical stuff (Motors from Create: Craft's and Additions. Motors from Create: New Age. Heck if neither of those are available I'd use something like Create: The Factory Must Grow engines {They have engines from Gasoline, Diesel, and even turbine})

    TL:DR Mod number doesnt matter. Using alternative mods that isnt solely create may be the best option to get frames back.

    Recommended mods for long transport

    Create: New Age (For better SU generation)
    Mekanism/Pipez (For non-primary item transport. Mekanism for dynamic tanks)
    Create: The Factory Must Grow (Alternative SU generation)
    Tesseract (For wireless transport)

    Made this comment near the beginning of the video. Finished the video and I'd recommend a Cobble Gen like Triobian's which can produce 35 thousand an hour

  2. I think it could have been worth measuring lag when not looking at things too. Some things can be lag-free if they’re hidden, but others are poorly optimized and lag you through walls. This could be a game changer for a few blocks

  3. Hey Foxy, got a few performance tweaks for your modpack

    First of all, ImmediatelyFast – it really helps if you need to render a lot of entities
    Secondly, DrawerFPS which might significantly improve your frame rate with lots of storage drawers placed in your world by reducing it's render distance
    You should also try Radium, it is great server side optimization mod

    P.S. Create has a render engine called flywheel and it might sometimes affect the fps. Try switching to BATCHING backend (/flywheel backend BATCHING) or disabling it (/flywheel backend OFF). Type /flywheel backend INSTANCING to return to default backend

  4. Fun Fact: Standard Netherite Diving Boots prevent Players (You) from being affected by Conveyor Belts. An investment into that piece of armor would be very useful moving forward

  5. Tanks have transparency which can depending on the engine be costly at large scale.

    The belts are probably because of how minecraft handles entities which are invisible and get replaced with the entity model in which is "on" it since the object your see on the belt likely isn't real and instead just a representation of the item in it similar to how a chain of hoppers works.

  6. Ive done it! Its taken 4 days but i binge watched your entire create series up to the current video!

    I found you the other day and enjoyed your humor so much that i wanted to watch from the beginning.


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