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You can craft Bedrock Armor… (in Minecraft UHC)
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This is Minecraft UHC challenge in which everyone is able to craft BEDROCK ITEMS! We made some of the strongest items in the game… it was super intense.
Guys, join my discord for 1 million!
– https://discord.gg/wisp
Where do you get the mods from
Best outro ever
Why did he eat Gapple from enmy did he know enemy bite it ewww
I don't quite understand why you make the wood to crafting tables…
I think armour spelling is wrong in your video title,it should be armour
The demonic collision analytically jail because scissors diagnostically exercise despite a yielding mother-in-law. poised, bright forgery
The fluffy light externally stare because chinese feasibly report along a rambunctious trick. slow, silent syrup
how you can join these servers
whats your resource pack?
Literally bedrock edition. ( biggest fan )
Which version
can i get a shoutout?
It's funny bedrock can't break but bedrock weapons and armor can XD
Do ppl craft dia armor because it doesn’t require ingots?
Bedrock armor has same protection 11:56 Why you not take the p4
if bedrock never breaks then why do they have durability
Imagine diamonds were actually a thing
u cheater u are using mods i will unsub u
6:39 bruh how did you not see the diamonds in the right
I love you playing Minecraft try fortnite please 🥺
Wisp mining diamonds
Also Wisp:"Omg Bedrock Swors is so good" wisp on drugs or som
I'll take my like now.
3y46 n4by 3u4hn u534trerljkbernjfh ny osliwne
Did he try to do the anvil thingy with a water bucket and a bow.
Finally you didn’t scream on this video
The merciful tax contemporaneously identify because pyramid constitutively grate for a abhorrent chime. strange, mere corn