You already Forgot about Bundles in Minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Mojang plans to implement Bundles into the game, any day now. But they were already doomed to fail from their first teaser in 1.17.

— Socials to stalk me —
🐦Twitter (or X lmao):

—Specific Credits to—
► Me, for editing this video!

► timeforcrime, for making the Yae Miko Minecraft skin I use:

► TheFliyngFire for their Super Thanks!

►@skyboimc for lending his beautiful voice.

—Support me! —
► Epidemic Sounds (referral):
► Support the channel through Super Thanks and Memberships!

—External Sources (in video order)—
Inventory Organization Guide For Terraria 1.4 (By beaverrac)

Strongest Weapons in Zelda Breath of the Wild | What, Why & Where (By 100 Percent Zelda)

Manage Your Inventory in No Man’s Sky Easily With This Trick (By Dread Captain James)

Red Dead Redemption 2 – THE BEST UPGRADE! Carry 99 Of Every Item! (By Saintsfan)

Stardew Valley how to increase inventory (2023) | Stardew Valley how to increase inventory (By Udisen Games)

[Factorio] Working buttons for Inventory Grid (By NindyBun)

Don’t Starve Together with Unlimited Players was a Mistake (By RTGame)

We Gathered The Irish Lads to Make A New Ireland in Raft (By RTGame)

Minecraft Live 2023 (By Minecraft)

Minecraft: 1.3 Easy XP/Enchant Guide! | iJevin (By iJevin)

Elden Ring Boss Bar Transparent for those who have been looking for one for some goofy photoshops (By u/Relevant-Step-8188)

Minecraft Live: Caves & Cliffs – First Look (By Minecraft)

Why Bundles Don’t Fix the Inventory Issue (By SimplySarc)

Any footage not listed here are recorded by me, obtained from or

—Music used in the video (in order)—
Alec Slayne – Nemesis

Nintendogs – Walking the Dog
(© Nintendo)

Persona 5 – Suspicion
(By Shoji Meguro) (© Atlus)

Plants VS Zombies – Brainiac Maniac (By Laura Shigihara) (© Popcap)

Minecraft – Mellohi (By C418) (© Mojang)

Plants VS Zombies – Rigor Mormist (By Laura Shigihara) (© Popcap)

Deltarune – Rude Buster [Electro House Remix] (By The Musical Ghost)

ELFL – Last Odyssey

Yu Gi Oh Master Duel – Climax Theme 7
(By Yasunori Nishiki) (© Konami)

OcularNebula – Stay Inside Me

Minecraft – Danny (By C418) (© Mojang)

Minecraft – Strad (By C418) (© Mojang)

Minecraft – Aria Math (By C418) (© Mojang)

Xenoblade Chronicles – You Will Know Our Names
(By ACE+) (© Monolith Soft)

Plants VS Zombies – Graze the Roof (By Laura Shigihara) (© Popcap)

Marten Moses – Drops

—Viktor, Arcane (Season 1 Episode 2)—
“When you’re going to change the world, don’t ask for permission.”


32 thoughts on “You already Forgot about Bundles in Minecraft”

  1. i love how all mojang really needs to do for a successful update is add more stairs/slabs/walls/fences, sideways slabs and other build features. theyre acting like its so hard to come up with new ideas.. what about the things the community's been asking for for YEARS???

  2. I'm going to be honest, I never really thought the inventory was a problem. Yes, you have to manage your inventory, but I've never seen that as an issue. Have a bunch of junk? Literally just press Q and clear it up. If it's something important, put it in a shulker box or go back home and save it. Annoying? Kinda, yeah, but it's never actually been an issue for me. If you do want to change something though, bundles arent the way to do it. I feel like they arent actually solving any problems as they are, if they're used for junk. Either leave the inventory the way it is, or add backpacks to the game (there's literally a billion mods that have this feature, and it's insanely easy to implement)

  3. As soon as you got to it I knew you were right. I'm already carrying too much stuff at any time. Before I leave my house I'm half full, A set of tools, water bucket, flint and steel, fishing rod, a couple leads, a shield, totem, food, stack of blocks, planks and sticks, spare tools, a stack of building blocks or two. And a boat in my world. And torches I notice as I check. And an ender chest and sink touch pickaxe which I don't have yet in my world. Seeds and wheat for breeding.

    Some stuff Im not carrying, like the fishing rod at most times. I don't carry a flintnsteel. I will put this into the ender or shulker chests and use them in combination for mass storage later and that greatly solves the issue by letting me put my leads, water bucket, sword, etc in there while I don't need it expanding my inventory.

  4. On the other hand, adding a counterpart of bundle (say, tool/whatever belt) that would have 4-8 item slots, but only a single instance of an item can fit there. So dirt block and netherite hoe are the same in terms of capacity. Also, make chiseled bookshelves something like shulkers, but they stack when empty, so you can store 6 books in one slot.

  5. No I didn't, they are extremely useful, they're just complicated to get for the firat time since they're the most useful on the early game exploration.
    They were never meant to Solve the "Inventory Problem", they just have to solve the "Random Junk" issue, and that's something they do well.

  6. I'd like to suggest the idea of having the ability to upgrade inventory space through some sort of not-difficult not-easy crafting recipe that can be crafted from early game ores such as iron.

  7. i think just adding more inventory slots would be a good thing, and all your suggestions on the budles are good too, and to prevent extreme whiplash from the community, add an option in the world settings that lets you change how many inventory slots you have, and make it so that its still 36 slots by default. that way people's experience would literally be effected zero, as they would actually have to put effort in to see the changes


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