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Welcome to Afterlife SMP! A minecraft modded series with my friends where we all start with 10 lives starting with different origins consisting of different powers! Every time you die you get a new origin.
Server Members:
Dangthatsalongname – https://www.youtube.com/c/Dangthatsalongname
fWhip – https://www.youtube.com/c/fWhip
GeminiTay – https://www.youtube.com/c/GeminiTayMC
Joey Graceffa – https://www.youtube.com/c/JoeyGraceffaGames
Katherine Elizabeth – https://www.youtube.com/c/KatherineElizabethGaming
Laurenzside – https://www.youtube.com/c/LaurenzSide
LDShadowLady – https://www.youtube.com/c/ldshadowlady
Mythical Sausage – https://www.youtube.com/c/TheMythicalSausage
RIP Mika – https://www.youtube.com/c/RIPmika
Seapeekay – https://www.youtube.com/c/SeaPeeKay
Shubble – https://www.youtube.com/c/Shubble
Smallishbeans – https://www.youtube.com/c/SmallishBeans
Solidarity – https://www.youtube.com/user/SolidarityGaming
Strawburry17 – https://www.youtube.com/c/Strawburry17Plays
TheOrionSound – https://www.youtube.com/c/TheOrionSound
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#afterlife #afterlifesmp
i kept saying “istg if he dies while fighting i’m gonna cry” now look what happned
Vex gurl is lauren! She killed Kathrine too
Well that was short. Accidents happen. It was fun to watch anyway. Keep it up Jim!
That is Lauren and she's not cooler than you!
the vex girl is laurenzside.
Wolf-father???? (Yes plz)
I seen you had no armour bar and I was screaming "Jim you have no armor, turn back!" Rip Alpha Jim!
he said wolfs-
i am ded.
i hate cliffhangerss
you can use meghan skeleton farm for a bone 🤦🏻♂️
That was so funny but Lauren did that sign
Oh and also she died
when i think of a wolfden, i think of a cave, even tho that doesnt really matter anymore
We can now call you the good boy little doggo
Vex girl is trying to kill you not knowing you’ve already died LOL
Lizzie: what the f-
Lauren thinking she's cooler than the Wolf Daddy 😂
Those signs were from Lauren
The person who’s threatening u is Lauren aka “tHe VeX gIrL”
Jimmy, why the short video bro, ur vid too smol, show ur next origin in the same video like joel, this death was intentional i think
Vex girl was laurenzside but she died
I love how Jimmy is keeping all his builds for each origin around his first base, and most of the other server mates have just taken over random chunks whenever they’re reborn
This series has just shown us that Jimmy is a furry /j
It was luranezside
Lauren is the vex girl she wants no one to fly but she killed herself in lava hehe
Jimmy Lauren did the sine thing, |:
Joel: Can we sleep babe?
its luran
See… I kinda wanted to make a furry joke since I wasn't one of the people that were making the furry jokes for the Cat origin… And the Wolf origin is just fits so much more with the joke (what are the odds your got them both already?) Are their any other "furry" origins you might see still?