Next time use some sort of tracker and troll him with it also why didn't you build when you got into a fight with lox and one last thing the aim of a manhunt is to beat whatever game your playing not just kill the other person
Mrtop5 NEVER make a stone sword you should make a stone axe because a stone axe does the same amount of a damage diamond sword they will also not be able to use their shield
just saying he got the stone pickaxe in creative and if you want proof watch to 2:07 to 2:11 and on the bottom right on lox's POV you can is he was in creative but he switched it to survival so you can't see so it says ' MrTop5: Set own mode to Survival mode' DISCLAIMER: Im not an hater
Why not Xbox?
Bruh give me one too
This is pvp not manhunt
2:12 look at chat
F you lox
im early
finaly mrtop 5 uploded normal speedruner vs hunter
The hunter can respawn
And they start with nothing
Soo now i know why mrsmellynoob5 has to cheat every time becuse he is really bad at manhunt
Lox didn't win neither of u won…don't u know how speedrunner Vs hunter work?
Next time use some sort of tracker and troll him with it also why didn't you build when you got into a fight with lox and one last thing the aim of a manhunt is to beat whatever game your playing not just kill the other person
Why does he get a PS5 he didn't beat Minecraft
This was my first time seeing ty getting a ps5 console
The hunter becomes the hunted
Mrtop6 can u add me
I saw a command it said Mrtop5 set own game mode
This video kinda got me mad for seeing mrtopcraft not cheating in the manhunt so lox can lose… but still a good video
Metoprolol 5 that’s manhunt vs manhunt when lox kills you you respawn and try to kill him before he beats the game
I realized this is the map where lox got trolled by ''Herobrine"
come on
i posted this at 7:04

I wonder what happend if the mail got lost again
I like how lox is acting country with his camo hat yeah you will never be a country boy city boy hahahahahah
343th comment Y E S
Mrtop5 NEVER make a stone sword you should make a stone axe because a stone axe does the same amount of a damage diamond sword they will also not be able to use their shield
This is much more fun than the pranks, make more challenges without pranks!
Can lox even win minecraft even if no one hunts him?
I hateeee lox i love mrtop5s vids
I hope nic wins
Bro, you suck at pvp
Lox is careless simp
lox went 1 million IQ
Ha lol
minecraft manhunt but there's dragons
lox cant even kill an enderman how is he gonna beat the "game"
Dummy you siad you should get it for him for Christmas facker
just saying he got the stone pickaxe in creative and if you want proof watch to 2:07 to 2:11 and on the bottom right on lox's POV you can is he was in creative but he switched it to survival so you can't see so it says ' MrTop5: Set own mode to Survival mode' DISCLAIMER: Im not an hater
Mrtop5: im gonna win this PS5
Me: Ok.
Did he date kayla
win manhunt=lox gets a kiss of pokimane…………
Mrtop5 used commands look 2:11
Mailman "oh…. lox he wants a ps5 hmmmmm WHEN COVID ENDS Ha this is your girlfriend