Win Manhunt = Become My Girlfriend! (Minecraft)

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Win Manhunt = Become My Girlfriend! (Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter)

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44 thoughts on “Win Manhunt = Become My Girlfriend! (Minecraft)”

  1. 1. He gets to the nether with no diamond pick or buckets for dreams method without losing durability 2. Hes in the end with full durability diamond tools how does he get it without losing a single damn durability plus he has the same amount of food he had in the nether how does he get there without losing food you need to eat why does he have one diamond when he could of used it to make tools 3. in the end 6:31 he cuts to the nether but he has blocks in his inventory 6:26 you guys will say oh he went back to the over world to get wood you cant you have to beat the dragon to go back plus he used all his wood in the start of the video why build a shovel if you arent using it? staged

  2. bruh u didnt beat the game cheater u cant even do it. u did /locate stronghold and /give ender_eyes 12 and when u went in nether u did /give obsidian 12 and /give flint_and_steel and u got full diamond


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