Why Speed Bridging in Minecraft is SLOW #Shorts

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Why Speed Bridging in Minecraft is SLOW

Minecraft Speed Bridging is slow, It’s faster just to normal bridge and here’s why. Kappa

#Shorts #Minecraft


34 thoughts on “Why Speed Bridging in Minecraft is SLOW #Shorts”

  1. I find it way easier if you go to the lowest possible and hold crouch with his reasoning and then i only have to build up to my destination its way easier

  2. First of all have you actually set up a timer and do it?
    Second of all crouching up and down allows you to go across the block faster to place another block rather than crouching the whole timer
    And third of all which minecraft are you specifying

  3. Umm no. Speed bridging is called speed bridging for a reason. Steve isnt some wumbo character that takes forever to stand up. It is instant. For the short time uncrouch you are going faster. Kinda fucking weird how anyone would thing otherwise. It is alot riskier and takes more skill though.

  4. Well you could just looking In front of you and build by in the invisible block that means it will go behind of the block and just place it while you’re building a building but what I like to do I just build build I do it slowly


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