Why Minecraft Skins Lost Originality

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) โžœ https://minecraft.viki.gg

The History of Minecraft Skins. Skins weโ€™re originally added in 2009, but over the years The Originality decreased due to many factors, watch the video to find out the entire story!

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โžฝ Credits
*Research* Seraphim, NotVixios
*Written by* Hugo, NotVixios
*Narrated* MixToons, Jak Wilmot, MCBYT, Steinful
*Edited* NotVixios
*Animation* MolecularCGI

This Video Essay / Documentary talks about The Entire History of Minecraft Skins. From the first skin in Minecraft History to Present Day. This video took over a month of work with tons of people helping me and some days even spending over 10 Hours Straight Editing. please consider checking out The Document if you are interested in reading the Script, Changes, Title Ideas and all the credits for the music as well at the entire Soundtrack with Timestamps.

โžฝ Timestamps
0:00 Introduction
0:17 Chapter 1: The Concept
4:21 Chapter 2: The Release
8:56 Chapter 3: The Turnover

โžฝ Narrators

โžฝ Check out MolecularCGI (Animation Work)

โžฝ Full Document (Credits & Full Soundtrack)

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26 thoughts on “Why Minecraft Skins Lost Originality”

  1. this video's making me feel inspired to get back into making minecraft skins again ๐Ÿ™‚ it really is a lot of fun, and i don't know why but it feels really rewarding to finish a skin and finally be able to see it on yourself in-game!
    personal story: i'm really attached to the shovel knight skin i made, because way back when minecraft was around its peak popularity, i decided my "minecraft youtuber gimmick" would be using a diamond shovel as a weapon instead of a sword. i had never even heard of shovel knight at that point, so when i did finally learn of it, i got really excited because of my idea and felt a connection with it right away. i didn't end up making my skin until just a couple years ago (also never ended up being a minecraft youtuber lmao), but to this day i still have no desire to change it because of how personal it feels, with the way that little idea has come full circle in a way!
    i mostly just wanted to share that story in a place where it's somewhat relevant lol, but i guess the takeaway could be that you don't need to have an original idea to be able to make a meaningful custom minecraft skin? idk lol, either way it's a really fun art form and i hope it doesn't fall out of practice! and of course there's nothing wrong with using a skin someone else made, or even using really popular skins, but it's kinda sad to see how little variety there seems to be on skin hosting sites like namemc.

  2. The thing is just that the ability to create and upload your skins have been made so much easier, due to invents of sites like namemc, there is just more saturation of these kind of skins. Yes, you will see more of these skins because that is just what is the current trend. I felt the same way about those gamer boy skins until i realize its just another form of expression. it may not be nearly as individualistc or of the self, but it is an expression of a generation or trend.

  3. Before getting an official Minecraft account, I used to play on a pirated client, and it just so happened that the nickname I picked at the time (Sckype) had a skin tied to it. A typical "gamer" skin, just in blue and black.
    Fast forward a few years in the future, and I bought an official account, which prompted me to make my own unique skin. At first it was simple, a Steve wearing custom white Minecraft t-shirt inspired by one that I had at the time. Then it evolved, getting a second layer, with it becoming the clothes, and the first layer – bare skin and underwear. Then I added muscles to it, just because. And then I turned my character into a cyborg, with cybernetic left eye, left hand, heart, and wires here and there. And it remained as my default skin for years to come.
    I should mention that I'm not an artist, far from that, so I didn't care much about the color complexity of the skin – the idea was what mattered the most. And the "camo" effect of the skin editor tool on Needcoolshoes was my savior, so I used it everywhere, because otherwise everything would be plain colors with no texture.
    Then I started making skins for characters of my own stories, many of which were blatant copies of what I was "inspired" by. For example, it was some characters from MC Story Mode and cool armor from it. Especially the armor. Nothing of it I ever published or intended to be used, it was just something that I made for myself, as a hobby. I also collected skins that I liked, and I still have that folder on my computer.
    Then I quit playing Minecraft for 5 years, but not observing it from afar, thus staying in touch with the latest updates. I returned when 1.18 came out, and with my return I had a different vision for my character. So I changed the nickname and the skin. This time I took a dark knight skin from the internet and slightly tweaked it to fit my vision. After that I made a few versions of this character, basically him without the armor, and that's basically it so far.
    I kinda wanted to share my old skin, but since I changed the nickname, it won't show up anywhere (I believe it was "Alarmer_Play", yeah, cringey, I know). And I also believe that my old skin wasn't the last one I wore with that nickname, there was some other one, an updated look which didn't really stick. So I don't know how my old skin could be accessed without importing the original file into an editor. But at least you can see my current one, under the nickname of Outcast_1. Though I'm thinking of changing it (the name). Yes, it's basically a blatant use of somebody else's work, and my old skin was at least original, I won't deny it. But I just want to use it, and that's it.

  4. I still use the exact, pristinely preserved mediocre minecraft skin I made over half a decade ago. It doesn't have shading at all, however I wouldn't have it any other way because I made it. I don't even want to repaint it, because it would honestly lose the charm.

  5. i made my minecraft skin myself when i was younger and have just updated it over the years, my favorite addition being ram horns as a personal touch because โ€˜ramโ€™ is my initials and i love it a lot ^-^

  6. I donโ€™t play much anymore, my skins have always been something i came up with completely. When i was on last, it was weird being the only non of what you been saying. It attracted a lot more attention as it seemed to just be different to them.

  7. I have a curious story with my skin, i started using it when theories about a certain character if undertale existed, someone called Gaster, i'm a undertale fan since i played undertale, and i loved the theory about the previous scientific of the underground, and when i found out it had a skin… Omg… I never abandoned it, actually gaster is my profile in everything, and nowadays i still use that gaster skin, and i have a special story with that skin, i think i will never abandon that skin, i fighted with it, i builded with him, i survived with him, i died with him, and he is my entire soul in minecraft, i will never abandon my skin, as a skin shows how a player is, gaster was a scientific, supposedly a very analytic character who analizes everything and everyone, calculating every possibility, just as i do when i play, i'm an incredibly tryhard player, i don't build incredibly good, but my ability compensates everything else, and my knowledge about tecnic, modded, and pvp minecraft is incredibly high, i know how the game works, and my skin, will be with me, in the goods and in the bads, that's what a skin is, a skin represents the player, and a skin is never abandoned when you had lived a lot with it.


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