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I just want to leave a note here as I've been seeing some comments about it:
Please do NOT hate Aphmau for no longer doing roleplays. Aphmau helped lead the genre and blow it up as much as it did in the first place, and has their own right to change or pivot their content to whatever they'd like.
I once felt trapped doing certain content because of the fear i had in how my audience would react if I tried to change things up for the sake of my own health / happiness.
And i would never wish that upon another content creator.
Lets be happy with what they gave us, and that it happened in the first place 😊 thank you again everyone!
They all devolved into repetitive, creepy clickbait after like 3 years and eventually the literally 6 year olds the mass-appeal clickbait types were aimed at grew up. Used to be some good stuff, but the clickbait wave of youtube killed it.
I wish there were more examples and explanations for what MCRP even is. I clicked on this going 'what?? What is Minecraft RP and why is it dying?" and I have left this video still not informed. What is MCRP like? How does it differ from normal SMP? Does Dream SMP count as MCRP or is it something different? Does Hermitcraft? I know what GTARP is (I think) but not MCRP. I don't even know how or why I got this video recced to me, since I've never even heard of this concept before. What age demographic does it target? What age plays it? What is it like? Is it modded or vanilla?
Personally, I'd recommend a video explaining this, because you might be missing out on viewers simply because there's people who watch MC content who haven't even heard of your niche.
You know what LET'S DO THIS MCTV
APHMAU???? I was not thinking of that i was thinking about TheIronMango/MangoTango, The Little Club, DanTDM did many good roleplays, aphmau i found ther way after the others, not saying aphmau is like bad hers are fine just the other ones i listed are more nostalgic and we all know we all watched them as kids, thats what i base my roleplay series' off of, Some just random roleplay ideas i have are based off the little club, the others are mostly my ideas. This video is very true, people grew up and stopped liking MCRP but i never will, its been my favorite kind of youtube video since 2015, thats why i want it to take off again, im going to try my best to make a good series and ask people to go make one themself, help the genre take off again.
This is simply beautiful
Minecraft roleplays are my childhood and like my childhood, is going away 😢
im still waiting on aphmaus future uploads for roleplays weither is mystreet season 7 or my inner demons season 2 ill wait however long
I only like first person videos that is mostly improvised where there's a story that goes along with it but you have to make up the words you say until what's supposed to happen in the story happens basically you're supposed to threaten somebody but you have to make up how you threatened them or what leads to the reason you threaten them
Very good video man. I loved your Yandere High Roleplay when I was a kid and nothing made me happier. Thank you for making my life so much greater.
Anyone remover watching level9
Man its being such a long time, l watch your channel though! Since long ago l really enjoy watching your steve saga series but l guess now its the end,l mean nothing will last forever and you will need rest anyways
Aphmau and ryguyrocky are the first two people to come to my mind when it comes to roleplay content for Minecraft but they’ve both slowed and stopped. They’ll be missed but their new content will live on.
MC Naveed, Itsfunneh, and LittleKellyPlayz, Natalie were the people who introduced me to Minecraft, and Minecraft Role-plays/Minecraft TV, As well as other Youtubers who I used to watch, when I was a kid, as they were the ones who gave my childhood more interest.
I will always remember, them since they kept my childhood alive, and I would like to say to all of the Youtubers out there, Thank you.
I just realized who i was listening to
i am now 14 to 15, and i loved watching this channel, and the famous films channel, and im still watching it do this day, and i hope that there are still some Minecraft RolePlays that will still come out, even if its like once a week, i'll still love to watch these channels
Ok I may be late to this video but can I get some recommendations for McRp/MCTV
this video brought back some good memories. I also really like how you edited it, keep up the work.👍
I've been watching RP video's for a very long..time but I never once..have seen a RP community start suddenly dying..all of suddenly..
I think that invisible Davis has pretty good story lines especially his Fairy Tail series
I have a feeling the minecraft roleplays are gonna EXPLODE in popularity after aphmau gets the first ep of the new series out
Bro explained supply and demand in Minecraft Roleplay terms💀
owenge juice tv
on his channel he currently has two full roleplay series
outsiders smp
rats smp
outsiders smp is loosely based off of the maze runner series
has a much darker tone than rats smp
but the inner details of the concept are void
there is no infection for example
the additional feature that makes it worth a watch is this
everyone in the maze is a convict of some nature with atleast somewhat of a bar for entry
such as murder
before they enter the maze they are chipped and memory wiped
and in the maze they can sometimes slowly remember their past lives
and in some cases the reason they are there
and their only goal is to escape the maze and have all criminal records wiped to be free again (but they don't know that)
there are a dozen plot twists and even some fully animated sequences that even if you choose not to watch the whole series are in an incredibly high detail
over all I had fun watching the show
at first it can be slow but bare with
next is rats smp
a stark contrast to the already incredible show the creators of both nicknamed
Pow Creations (don't look up the channel just look up owenge juicetv)
made rats smp an smp that blew up pretty quickly and if you've already heard of it thats good to hear
basically a dozen or so rats following thgeir own story after finding eachother in a single mansion and go about the house discover new places and most importantly
survive with most of the house workers and guests being not to friendly
much shorter series than outsiders but I'd say worth a watch especially for the special appearances of philza sneegsnag tommy innit and more.
he's actually in the new life smp (I think thats the name)
not starring this time no
and his series on it so far has been quite amusing
and worth a watch whilst episodes are coming out still
if you did read the whole thing THANK YOU!! for taking the time to read my commentI hope you have a wonderful day 🙂
Sabre would you be willing to work with me/ teach me step by step how to properly do a mc rp? I want to start up my channel in the upcoming future and I want to learn how to do proper set up.
At least someone finally notices this pattern like I did as a long-term (not only Jess/Aphmau’s) Minecraft Roleplay watcher.
Part of why Minecraft Roleplays have died out is cuz of Jess/Aphmau temporarily stopping her Minecraft Roleplay Series, which is still going on today (but this year in VidCon, she confirmed she will come back eventually for sure for both MS S7 & MCD S3 / New MCD Project).
It was thanks to Jess that Minecraft Roleplays got ridiculously even more popular than before & which inspired hundreds more to start their own Roleplays. Either ones similar to plots to that of Aphmaus or something entirely different.
7 years ago today i watched so many rp videos of minecraft now im back at it again, a lot older and still amazed at how long ago it was when i watched them. I still enjoy them and also they should all come back.
I’m starting a Minecraft roleplay soon with myself and my friends and the storyline is going pretty well so far am excited for it all to be put together!I'm also hoping people will enjoy it! Aphamu and Itfunneh inspired me sense the very beginning to do Minecraft roleplays but Aphmau was the first and will always be the first so I wanna thank her for inspiring me!
The first 2 people doing Minecraft roleplays have stop or 1 has I know the first was caveman and the second was Samgladiator I know Sam stopped but Might come back some but I don’t know if caveman is still
Sabre I am a huge fan of you and others Minecraft rp videos and characters and I been watching rp for Minecraft since I could remember from Ryguyrocky,Goldie, you and etc. and I know it’s sad but sometimes things don’t last forever and it will keep going all that can happen is keep going and people might like rp and other might not I hope it won’t die but it’s a dying ember.
Minecraft Five Nights at Freddys. Rip.
Little Lizard and Tiny Turtle when they made the original How to Train Your Dragon series. I was like ten and I cried when Ivy died xD
Now when I look at their more recent series (plural), It doesn't capture that same joy as the first. Even looking at the original feels tedious and hard to watch through because of all the episodes, the same soundtracks, and a slow plot. The ones after that one seemed too over the top to me with certain mods having dragon models that were hyper detailed and such. Nevertheless, I am still inspired to build my own modpack and make some kind of roleplay/SMP with friends.
I loved the Steve saga and I had downloaded some of the old videos on my old fire tablet
I know I'm extremely late to this video but I completely agree with video
Wild that I remember watching Samgladiator upload Minecraft Yandere High School over 7 years
I wonder if ppl could experiment with minecraft VR.
Hello! I really liked this, and I think you perfectly described the reason why MCRP hasn’t been as popular as it used to be. I also think that the term MCTV is a great replacement for the outdated term of MCRP. I also wanted to say that I’ve started an MCTV series of my own! I’m just starting out, so it’s not extremely high quality, but I’m proud of it!
I grew up on minecraft and wanted to feel the happines i felt when i was young but its kinda a wasteland now also i remember you sabre
Me and my little cousin made our own little rp world once. I don’t remember much but I remember there was like a skulk infestation in the town we lived in. (I don’t know weather it was like a literal sense or not I can’t remember) what I do remember tho is that my character was like the towns “crazy person” and my little cousin character met me when I was trying to befriend the skulk and he was like “what the heck you doin?”
Also the examples I thought of was Stampy cat and Dsmp :))
its all because we are getting old 🙁
Repent and turn to God.
Jesus loves you.
I love so much minecraft roleplay please don't stop it is amazing ✨️😍 your série is amazing 💖
Figitspiners are mainly for people with adhd and other things
Sam made great vids
This was a very well made video
I have recently been working in a lot of this newer age of "Minecraft Roleplays" mainly through voice acting, but now I've recently started work on my own
I agree the term MCTV fits a lot better, and after telling some of my mates who do this kind of content about it a lot of em are switching to MCTV
I think a big think when it comes to the new generation of this genre, is it's way more collaborative
A lot of the smaller channels work with other smaller channels on stuff
So a lot if not most of the people voicing in a channel, also have their own channels and series
For example I'm in a few series in the works, one is already out called "Fazland", and most if not all of the voice actors in Faz Land have their own channels and series, and said other series have all the people in Fazland helping out, with voice acting, building, HD Skins, etc
I've been apart of several entirely separate smaller MCRP channels/series, and every group I've been apart of has this same quality
It's ingrained in the smaller channel MCRP culture, and chances are will be ingrained in the larger channels as these smaller channels grow
I believe it started as a necessity, in order for smaller channels to compete with the big ones they had to work together. The big channels had the money to afford these big productions while smaller channels couldn't so they banded together
Now it's just ingrained in the culture of smaller mcrp channels
The names that came immediately to my mind were rygurocky, you and aphmau
i remember rushing home waiting for the notification of a new episode the steve saga and rushing to my room and sitting in my room for hours on end watching the show and keeping up with every single detail and ep. I loved the steve saga and it forever holds a place in my heart as well as rygurockys daycare series 🫶
I dont hate aphmau for stopping rp just the latest ones have just ruined the experience for me and i miss the good videos, like yours they were the best and its great seeing you once and a while.