Why is Mojang so Lazy?

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

It is time to talk about this! I am a big fan of Mojang and Minecraft so it is quite odd to see everyone talk about the updates as if they have an understanding of what game development is! It is wild!

#cdotkom #minecraft #mojang


28 thoughts on “Why is Mojang so Lazy?”

  1. I am also a game developer but i have to say while your points on game testing and compatibility are definitely valid adding the problem is that they arent adding things in the game with nearly as much detail as april foos updates, while i enjoy the game adding new textures for wolves is not the same as infinite dimensions or the moon, with a year between major updates tgey should add nore than a few blocks and a new mob which the past few updates have been aside from the latest one

  2. It’s not the amount that they add, it is the things that they add. They don’t really listen to their community as much as they used to, and do not add things that are actually going to be appreciated by the community. They add whatever comes to their mind, rather than what the community wants.

  3. Players are already like gods in the game, adding more power and abilities would mean very little, the most they can do is just add more environment and creatures for more variety

  4. There are exactly TWO versions of the game, each with almost identical code, you're just making excuses for them

    And they used to give good updates when it was stall a small game, now it's wonder by one of the biggest companies, and can't even afford to give more than 3 new features

  5. At least like put more mobs in
    Screw the mob vote give us all of them
    It isn’t that much work
    One guy coded the crab in it’s entirety in less than one day

  6. Another reason that I think might be possible is just how much backlash ANY update they give out gets. All updates generally will be positively received in the long run, but if they change too much too fast then the game's popularity will take a hit.

  7. What he said is true but yet they are being a bit lazy as they are the number one game in sales owned by a billion dollar company (Microsoft) so that means they would be able to hire multiple employees to work on the game they just know people will still play it anyway as it’s a sandbox game so they are not worried

  8. Nono because the “lack of content” isn’t that they don’t add enough (at least for me), it’s the fact that what they DO add does little to nothing. They will be like “here’s a different type of wood and a different type of dirt! See you next year!” Or “here’s another new mob that drops literally nothing when killed!”, leaving the things they DO add not being as beloved by the community because they do nothing special.

  9. The biggest issue I have with this whole thing that not many people bring up is that this is the best selling game ever with hundreds of millions of sales, and it’s owned by one of the biggest companies ever. If they have the money to make 4 spin-off games no one played (except story mode I loved that even if it sucked) and a movie, they have the money to hire more people to make updates include more content


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