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I fought Minecraft’s Best Players in each of their unique skills. It was insanely difficult!
● Follow my Twitter – @notnico
● Follow my Instagram – @subtonico
● Lunar Cloak: http://lunarclient.com/notnico
● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/notnicomc
● Discord: https://discord.gg/mzepM8ZsZk
outro song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSfD-QApDyU
If Techno was still alive there is a chance that he would be here, and no offence but if he was in this vid he vid would be funnier, again no offence but he is a funny guy
Nico never fails to bring us good content! Keep it up big man! 😀
long live technoblade the king of mc
Best playee technk blade 😀
polska tu->
i hate how every youtuber just over edits their vids now
Who is your editor
PigRank let's go!!
You should get sued by nicovald because his friends call him nico… and your name is notnico🤨
piggy was cracked at building
Nico, Could you make a video where you hire a bedwars coach and go on an alt while using a voice changer? If you could do it i will Like And Subscribe to every channel you have
you did so good in the clutchs
dunno, not u XD (joke pls dont take seriously)
TECHNKBLADE would be the best PvP er 🙁
The best player is actually your dad, he can beat anything, go invisible at any moment and even become the flash
Puberty did you dirty
The best minecraft player for me is…
Teachnoblade 😭 RIP TECHNOBLADE
Nico u ok u haven't posted a video
Feinberg sounds like dream
You should return to bedwars PLS!
Nico's channel is dying cause hes not uploading
Best minecraft player its technoblade and dream
I know rekrap2 or paker2
But the best player in Minecraft Is and alaways be Technoblade TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!
NotNico: best youtubers
Me: wheres dream?!
Technoblades the best Player in Minecraft
seeing straight do 1.8 pvp reminds me of techno
Does anyone know what happened to Poland channel
Tenhnoblade never dies
Sorry but you voice is like bruh shut the fur up anyway love your videos keep up the good work
Rekrap's there but where tf r rasplin clownpierce doly marloww only_a_squid
you soun
d wweird btw im new
ill sub to you
Technoblade is best RIP
No ones better than technoblade
Nivo replay my comment your face are so cute
lol git gud
i know poland]
Bc the world’s best pvp MACHINE is ClownPierce
Crimssel is the world's fastest bridger
Drag go brrrrrrr
Wow that pig was so poogggg
@NotNico umm now crimssel has world record with 3.8 on mcplayhd short mode while doogile only has 3.85 (btw 0.05 secs doesn't sound like a lot but It actually is) also very good videos 😉