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I asked my Minecraft friends if they want to play Minecraft Stat Roulette on the Minecraft world be been playing on for a year. Let’s see who has the best or funniest Hermitcraft statistics. Hope you enjoy this Minecraft short and let me know what other shorts I should do with the Hermits and friends. Also, how about that hilarious jumpscare with Grian and the creeper?!
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#shorts #minecraft
“What are you smoking, man?” — Scar, 2023
The ending though 🤣
Seriously that's like 1 every couple DAYS. I would have guessed 3-4 per day minimum…🤣🤣
Scar winning the death category is truly expected 😂 man's an absolute menace, for himself
I wonder how many of those deaths are just Scar flying straight into walls.
It’s like the first time people have posted shorts on deferent POv
Grian getting creeper bombed at the end is the most fitting end to this short hahaha
Any of y'all Java fans wanna join my smp
the way scar screamed when he blew up was perfectly cut😂
Edit: Impulse knew scar would make a short like this, and he knew there would be one round of opening shucker boxes, so he was prepared..
Grian’s scream at the end. 😂
Grian did a good job on this one c;
Saw this on impulse’s stream. It was funny to watch.
This was very obvious to who would win each stats:
Scar with the deaths
Impulse with the shulker boxes
Grian with none
It just makes perfect sense.
Scar having the most deaths isn't something to brag about
Did Grian really think he had more deaths then Scar? Lol.
Grian getting blown up at the end was pretty great!
Anybody know if there’s the full version anywhere? Haven’t found it yet.
the "my life is getting wasted" and being blown up by a creeper was very comedic 🤣
Scars meek little "Do we have to do this one?" Hahhaaa poor Scar but it's why we love you!
Super fast build mode always give me the most serotonin 🙂
I litterly just watched this on grains pov a few minutes ago lol
Missing you and your great videos hope all is well and you getting better
I love how all 3 shorts used different statistics/clips, it makes it so much more fun to watch similar content but from the other perspectives without feeling like I've seen it all before 🙂
I think these shorts are great for content. You guys could have clips like this and then like a week later have a full segment of it all.
How is it possible you've only died 173 times? Up your game Scar!
I mean, half Scar’s deaths were from the first 10 minutes of Episode 1 😂
me not able to comprehend multi digit numbers verbally 😅smile and nod smile and nod😅