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I asked my Minecraft friends if they want to play Minecraft Stat Roulette on the Minecraft world be been playing on for a year. Let’s see who has the best or funniest Hermitcraft statistics. Hope you enjoy this Minecraft short and let me know what other shorts I should do with the Hermits and friends. Also, how about that hilarious jumpscare with Grian and the creeper?!

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#shorts #minecraft


31 thoughts on “WHO HAS THE BEST MINECRAFT STATS??? #shorts”

  1. the way scar screamed when he blew up was perfectly cut😂

    Edit: Impulse knew scar would make a short like this, and he knew there would be one round of opening shucker boxes, so he was prepared..

  2. I love how all 3 shorts used different statistics/clips, it makes it so much more fun to watch similar content but from the other perspectives without feeling like I've seen it all before 🙂


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