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Snapshot 21w08b is out featuring small but very important fixes. Here’s a quick guide showing the changes!
This is an unofficial update video that aims to be the most comprehensive guide possible. Official announcement: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-21w08a
Wondering what’s new this week? Check out what’s new in Minecraft Snapshot 21w08a: https://youtu.be/f6o1Bz0cwdI
What’s new in The Nether Update – Minecraft 1.16: https://youtu.be/rcHiRdrsAfk
What’s new in Minecraft 1.16.2: https://youtu.be/5xqfyn-TZ2c
How to get a Snapshot: https://youtu.be/-gWUURjTaL0
Introduction: 0:00
World Generation: 0:17
In Other News: 0:42
Getting This Version: 0:55
Outro: 1:05
Change Highlights in this version:
– Fixed MC-216744: Iron ore doesn’t generate (only iron ore in deepslate is generated)
– Fixed MC-216101: Redstone ore generates with a flat distribution below y=12
Some camera sequences rendered using the ReplayMod: https://replaymod.com
Music: “Build and Restore” by Zircon (https://zirconstudios.bandcamp.com/)
Outro music: “The Fire” by Amarante (http://amarante.bandcamp.com) licensed CC-BY 3.0
– CC-BY 3.0: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
– CC-BY 4.0: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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#cavesandcliffs #minecraft117 #21w08b
You are the fastest 😀
summary of this vid:
How did I JUST find out you have a video coverage channel for snapshots, I’m so happy
Heck yeah, iron ore is back!
Am I seeing things or did the iron texture get changed
Very small, but very important
Well that explains why I couldn't find any iron in my new world
I don’t know about caves sizes but we need lush caves biome
love this change
Hi. Where do I find the ore generation map? Could it be posted here? https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Ore
Edit: Found it here: https://www.windowscentral.com/minecraft-java-edition-snapshot-21w08a-pc-includes-further-changes-caves-and-cliffs-update-ores-and
I always misread your name as slide slime🤣
"Extra things!" feels like a fitting splash text for a snapshot. Especially this one. :p
I appreciate your dedication to even these smaller snapshots 🙂
That is all? After having played the previous snapshot for a bit, I'd say that's pretty huge ;). I did watch yesterday's video, though, so the lack of iron didn't surprise me. But man, did it make a difference.
This man deserves 1 million subs.
i hate how this guy acts like a know it all about every snapshot, it's like he thinks he's an official minecraft dev or something
Short and sweet, thanks Lime! <3
always be the first one for giving a full review of the snapshot, thanks a lot
Why did 21w08a had no new features?
Oh the IRON-y of the situation
I don't care how "insignificant" they are. I just love how he makes a video for EVERY snapshot!
Mikael: "So remember that one thing I said we would fix in yesterday's video? We did that."
Can we play old worlds on this snapshot yet?
yes finally there add iron ore
Is there any chance we could ever get a video behind the main menu, rather than the current panorama style images? It looks so nice in these videos!
My friend told me that Iron was REMOVED this snapshot and I was so mad I had to check for sure. Glad he was wrong. I was worried.
Another snapshot, we are getting near to 1.17
Lol what one person disliked the video?
who's the one disliker i just wanna talk
They forgot to fix Lapis Lazuli from showing up as deepslate variant.
Why do the mojang developers sound so innocent?
Slight correction, I believe that only the upper triangle of iron ore wasn't generating. I think the rectangle in the diagram that says "Smaller blobs" still generates as normal, I found some deepslate iron ore in my 21w08a world.
speedrunning practice, let’s goooo
Why was it late…:(
Wait, a new ore called iron ore?
In summary, iron
Is that what the new title screen is going to look like for caves and cliffs