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With the new 1.18/1.17 part two terrain generation, what is the best way to mine in Minecraft? From strip mining to diagonal mining to TNT duplicators, which method can get you the most diamonds super fast in the new caves and cliffs update. I hope you enjoy
➤➤ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WifiesWasTaken
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➤➤ Music Used is Courtesy of Epidemic Sound
(ill start including the songs soon i just forgot this time im sorry)
THE SONG THAT STARTS AT CRAWL MINING IS CALLED PARTICLE EMISSION. I REMEMBER THIS BECAUSE I GOT CLAIMED TWICE FOR IT. What’s really funny is that I got the song from epidemic sound, which I paid for. BUT I ALSO got claimed by another company called Songtrust, so this guy who made the music must have licensed it to another company as well as epidemic which means I GOT CLAIMED FROM BOTH EVEN THOUGH I PAYED FOR THE SONG ONCE. Kind of a funny bruh moment but luckily they both released the claim 11 hours later so I get to use this banger song.
➤➤Credit https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Ore/1.18_distribution
This is a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features of Minecraft. Not Minecraft, but the water rises or Minecraft Manhunt but a more research based series dedicated to over-answering questions you never asked.
The title is wrong
I already have like 10 diamonds making the tunnel down to the correct level to mine
So mining got shafted? >_<
best way to mine in minecraft xray (dont recomend hcking)
Lol just use x ray texture pack or a client nobody can catch u unless u mine near them
1:26 1.18?!
how the hell do you get a 6.5 iron ore bruh like how do you even gat a half
Cool but it was already confirmed that the generation is subject to change before 1.18 actually releases so you might have to make this again xD
title: "What's The Best Way To Mine In Minecraft 1.17?"
thumbnail: uses 1.16 textures
I definatly recommend lapis diamond mining. You find a vein of lapis then go 4 blocks north and dig down. Idk if it works every time but it works for me
how muck layers are in one chunk and how many blocks does a layer have
you should have used the same seed if you didnt, some seeds might be better than others
its quite simple really – the more block you can see per minute, the more diamond you can find
Seems like exploding is the best way
I’ll crwl mine when I can’t go caving
my farorite method is called griefing
you sound like saiki
Is nobody going to talk about chunk mining where you do steip min and mine up 5 block?
You should change title to 1.18
Go mathematically, under gravel and clay spots (it has changed to x=-2 i think, but still works) and someone found that there will be some diamonds 4 blocks out in the -z axis and dig down
The title says 1.17, but the video talks about 1.18, which doesn't come out until the end of the year. Non snapshot worlds still only go to 0, I've mined the 'old" way for hours and only found 3 diamonds. What is the best way to find diamonds *now*, in 1.17?
what if you go to y level -63 by digging down and use the moss method or better you go down with a friend to -63 and your friend bone meals the moss and you mine it and you split the diamonds
I went in a massive cave for about 20 minutes to test how many diamonds I would get, and I ended up with 98 diamonds.
Hey this doesn't apply to 1.17, only 1.18, and it's not even final.
You forgot that we didn't have night vision and need to light up the cave to see all the thing, we can't see an ore in a cave roof also we can't see an ore from far away
Wait I don’t get it, I play on 1.17.1 but there is nothing under Y 0 which is strange I thought that thing was gonna be in 1.17 but now idk
its 1.17 not 1.18 get it right
Minecraft updates cave systems.
Caving becomes the best way to mine.
Makes sense.
Wifies is the VSauce of Minecraft
I have always went caving cause I have been lazy to mine blocks.. guess it will pay off
What about box mining?
Me playing on 1.8.9
Wifes playing on 1.18
For diamonds the best method is clay in rivers and swamps . If you dont know this method , search the method !