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What If Minecraft Had An End Update
Mods are BetterEnd by Quiqueck and Nullscape by Starmute!
Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets
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Character drawn by @MagnaGallina
Produced by Jonah Walters
Edited by NOOBster
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2023, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved
Who said it was a end update it might but minecraft never confirmed
I want this update.
We need a space station/space laboratory structure in the end or smh:
giant purpur slime boss
booby traps
gravity sword
slime bow
Warden armor
sculk tnt
also remodeled end biome exclusive beds that..yeah they don't explode like you would think.
14:36 Watch what happens when I cast a spell I don’t know!
We could really use something like this in vanilla…❤
I love the way you are always suggesting and creating new great ideas
i also think it would be great to fight a final boss for each end place
when the modders do better than the actual game developers
the whole point of the end is to be a desolate wasteland, it shouldn't be habitable.
I know that the end is supposed to be barren, but i think that some of these biomes would work really well. I mean, its been over 10 updates since the end has been last updated, it really needs something new.
is cool😄
I think this just turns the End into a retextured overworld. It’s supposed to be a barren and hostile dimension
I feel like the dragon tree planks would mix so well with the warped wood planks.
New mob going to be in minecraft
sand, branz, and skapz are a great trio
but are they as good as failthetutorial, failure, and failboat?
no name season 2 comes with mods maybe?
this makes me realize that a big addition to the end could be just making it have layers and smaller blobs islands
Ngl the lacugrove wood’s crafts look like birch crafts
BetterEnd hasn’t been updated for Forge since 1.17 last I checked. All my modded stuff is on forge so I haven’t gotten to play it in a while. I miss it.
Sandicaton is back after he lost his hardcore world, welcome back Sandicaton🎉
most of these look like they could be added to twilight forest and nobody would question it
This reminds me of xen from black mesa
This is the 489th comment.
This reminds me of the time Corinthius survived 100 days as an ender piglin
7:34 the invisible person just casually holding an observer.
If this was the end this it would give us more of a reason to play in the end istead of just elytra and enderman farms
yoo sand!! he’s alive!!
im getting bllack mesa xen vibes
sad dragon noses
Here before it completely blows up
can they give us the modpack?
Wow! I'd love to have these too, amazing and stunning!
Stay frosty!
Ngl he kinda sounds like Josh (Letsgameitout) I mean he even says only one way to find out like he does XD
Now that was awesome, though a little too much, if End was that cool, it would outshine both other dimensions combined. XD