What If Minecraft Got The End Update?

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What If Minecraft Had An End Update

Mods are BetterEnd by Quiqueck and Nullscape by Starmute!


Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets
Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial
Character drawn by @MagnaGallina

Produced by Jonah Walters
Edited by NOOBster
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2023, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved


36 thoughts on “What If Minecraft Got The End Update?”

  1. We need a space station/space laboratory structure in the end or smh:
    giant purpur slime boss
    booby traps
    gravity sword
    slime bow
    Warden armor
    sculk tnt
    also remodeled end biome exclusive beds that..yeah they don't explode like you would think.

  2. I know that the end is supposed to be barren, but i think that some of these biomes would work really well. I mean, its been over 10 updates since the end has been last updated, it really needs something new.


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