WEIRD water sources in minecraft! #minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜


30 thoughts on “WEIRD water sources in minecraft! #minecraft”

  1. There is also a method that involves using kelp

    By placing water in one 4×4 square and then placing kelp in the opposite corner will turn the rest of the three squares into source blocks

  2. Real answer? None. Just get silk touch and find a biome that has ice. Place them at opposite corners of a 2×2 square hole. Break them without silk touch. Boom. Infinite water.

    …. you'll just need a bucket to pick any of it up

  3. There is another way dig out a 2 by 2 and place the water on one of the corners. Then dig out the three blocks in the 2 by 2 except the one under the water and bone meal the flowing water creating sea grass and the sea grass turns the flowing water into a source block


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