Real answer? None. Just get silk touch and find a biome that has ice. Place them at opposite corners of a 2×2 square hole. Break them without silk touch. Boom. Infinite water.
Or just mine a 2×2 and place a bucket of water in a corner and then place a bone meal on the other side it will spawn a jelp or sea grass so just break it and boom you have a water source
Why do I have to do all those steps to make an infinite water source when it only takes 6 iron to make 2 buckets or just find an ocean like someone said in this comment!!
There is another way dig out a 2 by 2 and place the water on one of the corners. Then dig out the three blocks in the 2 by 2 except the one under the water and bone meal the flowing water creating sea grass and the sea grass turns the flowing water into a source block
YOU NEED ONLY ONE EMPTY BUCKET. if you place a cauldron and it's raining, it will fill up. Then you can repeat the process to get one more to make a basic infinite source
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There is also a method that involves using kelp
By placing water in one 4×4 square and then placing kelp in the opposite corner will turn the rest of the three squares into source blocks
the kelp method: if you break 2 blocks down place a water bucket on the top block and kelp/seagrass on the bottom you can get 2 buckets of water
Real answer? None. Just get silk touch and find a biome that has ice. Place them at opposite corners of a 2×2 square hole. Break them without silk touch. Boom. Infinite water.
…. you'll just need a bucket to pick any of it up
Kelp ❌
Seagrass ❌
Bedrock glitch ✅
Sea grass
Just get water twice with the same bucket?
Place one water down and go get
Still waiting for the 0 bucket method
You can also use the bucket to wet a spounge to then dry it in a furnace and get the water in a bucket
Or just mine a 2×2 and place a bucket of water in a corner and then place a bone meal on the other side it will spawn a jelp or sea grass so just break it and boom you have a water source
Dude, two block deep hole, dirt on the bottom, water source block on the top, bonemeal the dirt and it grows seagrass, which creates a source block
You can use a waterbucket with a fish
Place the bucket Take the fish with the bucket and now you have two watersources
Dig 2 deep, palce water at the top and bone meal the bottom. There you go 2 sources
0 just find a pond
Bruh all I have to do is mine for blocks and then get two water buckets I’m not doing all that just for inf water
The ocean makes it 0
Bone meal?
JUST GET THE 2ND WATER (Using 1 bucket) FROM A OCEAN (In minecraft).
Didn’t glow lichen produce water at one point?
U still need more than one buckets to do it
Why do I have to do all those steps to make an infinite water source when it only takes 6 iron to make 2 buckets or just find an ocean like someone said in this comment!!
But you can also do it by being fast enough and just spammingn water to a 2by2 hole
Ocean and lakes are infinite water
Or make a 4 by 4 cube and put the water and bone meal it easy
The last one is a lifesaver… we that is if you can break the block in time befor you drown😅
I’ll stick to the two buckets
Java have another way we only need 1 water bucket and one bonemeal and dug 2 block deeper hole and place then use bonemeal in bottom of hole
There is another way dig out a 2 by 2 and place the water on one of the corners. Then dig out the three blocks in the 2 by 2 except the one under the water and bone meal the flowing water creating sea grass and the sea grass turns the flowing water into a source block
YOU NEED ONLY ONE EMPTY BUCKET. if you place a cauldron and it's raining, it will fill up. Then you can repeat the process to get one more to make a basic infinite source