We Tried Crafting SWORDS From EVERY BLOCK In MINECRAFT! June 5, 2021 by Slogo Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg If you enjoyed the video, you should probably go watch some more! ✔️ This video is kid friendly / family friendly! Datapack by wasd build team … source
Try the lord of all mods create is the name
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Did not watch it yet but josh had the best swords
josh: names a pig james
me: thats my name
crainer: kills the pig
me: you killed me crainer!
Those swords ⚔️ are great
The slime sword
they missed 2 swords upstairs
I think josh has yhe best swords 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁💕💕💕💕💕💕
my name is teddy xd
Why did you use the sword on the pig and killed it named James is my brother
Cox is my last name yay!!!
slogo wins
he broke it jelly picked it up
but he mined it
Nice hair Josh!😂
7:50 you like jazz
They should put this in a speed runners vs hunters video
Make a Golden Apple Sword That Purple One In The sides
You should diamond sword made from extra diamond
You my best youtuber
I like every sword
I like herobrine Cristal sword and like bottom sword
Hey guys ket make popcorn ( attacks chicken )- jelly 2021
you ki ll ed me james the pig :C
BBB boat time
9:53 cox 😉