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We Survived 100 Days In Hardcore Minecraft Skyblock – Duo Minecraft Hardcore 100 Days
We attempted to survive 100 days in hardcore minecraft skyblock! I survived 100 days of hardcore Minecraft with my friend (duo hardcore minecraft). We were inspired by luke thenotable 2000 days hardcore minecraft –
videos. Duo I survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft or minecraft hardcore 100 days survival or surviving on hardcore minecraft or the highest difficulty mode on minecraft.
Minecraft duo hardcore 100 days is the traditional i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft with a twist… We have 2 people instead of one. Will we be able to survive until the end of the 100 days in minecraft hardcore? Keep watching to find out!
We had 1 main goal we wanted to complete in the 100 days. That was to defeat the enderdragon. What should we duo in 100 days next? Let us know in the comments!
Credit to LockDownLife for concept: https://www.youtube.com/c/LockDownLife
Credit to LukeTheNotable for the concept: https://www.youtube.com/user/Creolesbackfire
Check out my duo, MD: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP2qUtjo3wCoaGWg4Q51KRw
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter – @xurusyt
➽ Instagram – @xur.us
➽ Twitch – @XurusTV
Join my discord! – https://discord.gg/tJVqRBFKhP
the other guy is stupid
R. I. P XURUS🤣🤣🤣
give me my rank!:)
did mans really not see the ender pearl in the pig pen?
jungul sapling
Do 200days, but you can bridge with slap, to save times
I just realized your skin is arsene from persona 5
wait where did you get that fish?
Huh why do i feel like you sound like Stampy
Can you share the map link I wanna play it?
Take a shot every time he says actually
You should use slabs to bridge and build instead (way more blocks + saves time )
Its fake hahaha
28:28 the pig has an ender pearl
I love how the pickaxe just stays frozen
U can use slabs
Can't you make in 500 days
Me thinking why they didnt turn the blocks into slabs because slabs give more blocks but also minimise the spawning of mobs
Xurus:I'm really stupit
5 minutes later
Xurus:I'm big brain
You guys work that a team on day99
God damm you gone to the end with no armour
I hate you you killed a mini piglin
hi paul
This guy sounds like the twin of ballistic squid. 😂
6:50 we done it!!!!!!!
There’s a pearl in the pig pen
What is the map ur playing on? Edit: Like it has more than normal so im wondering
is it only me that watches fru and sees MD there??
fake hardcore it gave you respawn option in the end
I saw the Enderpearl in the pig pin
Does he now about slabs for bridging
Whats the map called?
MOB grinder maybe?
you should have made slabs from the coble stone when you're bridging you get more out of them
Place slabs pls
Xurus: Uses full blocks to make their island
why didn't you guys use slabs?
instead of cobblestone?