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Check out the new Akedo Battle Giants with double-strike armor and two new fighting styles https://shop.moosetoys.com/1646078008056b9bd4390/a21f411b-a33b-438b-641f-19aee70792f5?
Thanks to Moose Toys for sponsoring this video
Today We Only Got ONE HUGE Lucky Block In Minecraft
We Only Got ONE Lucky Block In Minecraft
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@Captain Blast’Em!
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Check out the new Akedo Battle Giants with double-strike armor and two new fighting styles https://shop.moosetoys.com/1646078008056b9bd4390/a21f411b-a33b-438b-641f-19aee70792f5?
Thanks to Moose Toys for sponsoring this video
Toes en goes
Come up with the cats and boots and
This video pretty much describes my life
Dropsy is a horse killer and a mule killer
I thought Jerome was sponsored by pokemon for second. Now I'm disappointed
Jerome reminded me of the cabbage man with “My house…”
Love your videos
love the vids
poor donkey I'm sorry Jerome.
Why do you wear this shirt for a week.In every video you wear the same shirt.
Not giant bread
Try giant bread sticks
10:42 ah yes a good ole fashioned slurperino
what did steve say when at the start when he was falling whit cappy abaut 33 seconds in the vid
Day 146 of asking Jerome to play MineClone2 on MineTest
Jerome can you please get a JeromeASF Youtooz
You should do a magic the Gathering tournament with the buddies
i hat dorsy shys min
I'd pay to see Stead bark at a waiter.
I'm pretty sure the Rainbow lucky block (The OG one with orespawn) has the most.
Is that thanos wolf
"we need a projectile [to kill the blaze]" while he has snowballs in his inventory
I guess you could say, dropsy has big pick energy
Now the question is: is everything big or are you all small?
night time god lucky block has over 2000+
Bruh this needs a part 2
Jesus Dropsy why you do that to the mule
I folded ssundee what you did theafe
I imagine Jerome with his house like the cabbage guy from avatar. MY CABBAGES!
The omega or rainbow lucky blocks might have more but idk
Dropsy the horse killer
How often do we get a full body shot of Jerome lol
Is anyone gonna comment on how there is water in the nether when dropsy spawned the well?
And that was how Jerome left the Buddies
steadfast was blown up by a zombie?
3:35 blade came in and placed another huge lucky block
22:34 bone shaped faze clan
when YuGiOh sponsors Jerome that will be the day I buy something Jerome is sponsored by
did that well have water!!!! IN THE NETHER!!!!!!
Dropsy should be punished for that
Jerome reminded me of the cabbage man with “My house…”
Did y’all hear the rumor that Dropsy’s a horse killer?