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Check out Salad: https://bit.ly/ShulkerXSalad and use code: VILLAGE to get 2X the earnings!
Today We are Transforming a Village Into a Night Only City in Minecraft Survival. The villagers live under the tinted glass dome, where the sun never rises.
World Download: https://bit.ly/NightOnlyCity
Instagram & Twitter – @ShulkercraftYT
JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/shulker
Business email: shulkercraftyt(at)gmail.com
Music from Epidemicsound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/11jn8r/
Check out Salad: https://bit.ly/ShulkerXSalad and use code: VILLAGE to get 2X the earnings! #ad
Buddy love your content from the beginning….. Need to ask you question what if I want to play with you guys is their any way???? Want to build bigger project with you guys..
I'm not downloading a Bitcoin miner
what country are you guys from? cuz man thats an amazing accent! and i thoght my israeli accent is good.
7:06 care to explain how the grass turned into dirt in like 5 seconds? Normally it would take on an average 30 seconds to a min for it to turn but for some reason for u it turned dirt almost instantly 🤔🤔🤔
Hellooooooooo Night City !
That's a really smart use for tinted glass!
give them a pond were to fish or they will die of lack of vitamin D
Just remember if they can give you double earnings and still make profit your being ripped off !!
how to make list like 2:42 help
Now build them a moon
I think you forgot to turn the random tick rate back down to normal when you started the dome
When he said "Don't you agree?" the villager was like: Sighs* I guess. LOL
COC in Minecraft
Should have done it under water
You could have made that dome in like 10 seconds with effortless building mod.
This is so cool, I love it! ❤
Jesus will never stop fighting for you
Isn’t the ammetist automisable
should have done obby lmaoo wtf is that
Is there any ways to make amethyst afk farm?
X: How much do you like Minecraft?
They: YES
Do you guys use commands to speed up growth on your world? Cause those grass blocks turned to dirt REALLY fast after you placed the glass on them for the first time.
Why don't you guys make the largest villager slavery camp
Brother can we hire you for making best build in my Island
I say add 4 more layers
Make your vids longer man.
It's like a twilight village
Can we open it in EP
u should make a minecraft bedrock edition series
About to start an Origins server. It's very tempting to make a sun proof region.
Wake the fuck up samurai
We have a city to burn
please write down the full song names cause a link to epidemic sound doesn't help 😋
The sun never rises on the Lauri-Robin village
Wow, it's so nice of you to turn a village into NYC!
eternal winter is crazy
What is the shader used here? 8:23
How about dome of dirt? Is gonna make their village dark completely?
which Shaders was that ?
Bro pls turkish translate use:(
You really should've made an amethyst geode farm lol
0:10 Hmm, must be some speedrunner visited this Village
>takes bed
>feel sympathy
>also feels bad
>decide to make a night city
>spends hours of work and grinding
>posts a video
>refuses to elaborate why they did it
Make a upside down village or a normal but cool village inside the lava pyramid.plz plz plz