WARDEN FIGHT – Alex and Steve Life (Minecraft Animation)

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

The wolf and the iron golem come after the skeleton to kill it, when the skeleton falls into the pit where warden lives, the iron golem kills the skeleton there, causing the iron giant to transform into another creature.

Greg brings the news to Steve and Alex, and they go to the Iron Golem`s aid

_______________________ 🎵 Music 🎵 ________________________

Song: Rage Sound – Dangerous Moment
Music provided by Tunetank.
Free Download: https://tunetank.com/track/5434-dangerous-moment/

Song: Timur Haisyn – Crossing the Clouds
Music provided by Tunetank.
Free Download: https://tunetank.com/track/3921-crossing-the-clouds/

Song: Rage Sound – Revelation
Music provided by Tunetank.
Free Download: https://tunetank.com/track/5274-revelation/

#warden #minecraftanimation #minecraft #animation #steve #alex


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