WAIT WHAT (Minecraft) #70

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The most cursed Minecraft series…
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26 thoughts on “WAIT WHAT (Minecraft) #70”

  1. What I learned from the minecraft "wait what"/Ohio videos :
    1) Do not consume any things which are not meant to be eaten. Do not take and hold things not meant to be taken or held. If you do end up removing something that shouldn't have been removed, put it back into place before it's too late.
    2) If you see something bad happening to someone nearby, or happen in general, do not stand there and instead immediately find a way to escape or at least defend yourself.
    3) NEVER sleep on a bed if it is distorted in any shape or form. Never interact with geometrically distorted objects and any spatial anomalies in general.
    4) If you see Steve randomly, try not to get involved. If you already are in a pinch, stay by Steve's side. If he ends up failing to handle everything himself, immediately run for your life because if he failed, you certainly will too.
    5) If you see any abnormal or even normal entity at first glance, never provoke or anger it in any way (even if it offers you extremely crappy deals)
    6) If you get a hold of abnormally large tools, better not use them – they are too unpredictable.
    7) Water is generally your best friend that might save you a lot, but do not consume suspicious water from buckets or in block form.
    8) Do not ride any animals. Something bad will most certainly happen. Always ride Steve if he transforms into a mount for you and always ride his specialized modified mounts though – it's crucial to survive.
    9) Always carry a pair of shears to defend yourself by amputating the foes' important appendages. Also train your arms and grip strength – you won't believe how effective simply tearing off a foe's head instantly is, or throwing an extra-heavy object into them, or just picking them up and throwing them far away.
    11) Do not mess with the sun, earth, air, and other fundamental components.
    12) Do not use a fishing rod for anything other than fishing. Things will likely end bad.
    13) Always beware of goats.


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