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Village of the Forest | Tutorial | Timelapse build
Download the map on my Patreon : patreon.com/teamminecraftbuild
Texture pack : Faithfull 64×64
Shaders : Complementary shaders
Version : 1.20.1
Lemme guess, simple village idea?
From where are the cool trees?😮
Munecraft needs to hire people like him
I just cant get to copy those roof designs. They are so pretty, they look so simple, yet they are so complicated to replicate
Bro do u have world link
I'm have ask… Plase step forward to żelazny PL Movie (10 viewers build) you have amsowe skils to build ♥️♥️♥️
Молодцы продолжайте в том же духе
My friend: imma get on Fortnite after I finish my Minecraft base.
What bro's building:
What a seed this world?
Какой сид у такой генерации?
Guau 😮
We need the world seeds to ur videos
The most impressive thing for me is all the artificial landscape.
How did you manage to find the perfect seed and coordinate, as well as creating a layout without fully destroying the natural blocks despite irregularities?
Make Hogwarts in Harry potter
Village? I believe in ancient times this would be referred to as a fortified City.
Crazy why
Of many videos that i've seen so far, this is definitely the greatest, I really believed myself walking through those buildings.
What mod makes these mountains?
Where can I get that Mountain seed?
This is called team build but I only see one guy. I hope ur not a alone and have your day 1s with u playing this game 😊
What bot do you use ?
Подскажите пожалуйста как называется этот мод на такие горы и деревья
А на якій версії ви будуєте ці всі будівлі? Чи на різних версіях? Можете будь ласка залишати в назві ролику версію. Дуже круті будівлі😁👍
Bhai ye wala seed dedo na yaar
You are massive builder😮
Whats the biom? I think it is artificially generated. So, you can build it with WorldEdit! 😀
It is soo nice man ❤❤😮