Valorant LIVE NOW | MINECRAFT LIVE Building Villager TRADING HALL Centre | #mortalarmy

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34 thoughts on “Valorant LIVE NOW | MINECRAFT LIVE Building Villager TRADING HALL Centre | #mortalarmy”

  1. TIMESTAMPS❤️❤️ is from s8ul akshu op not me thnk him

    7:35— Trishul ke halaat😀
    39:45— Ok G
    57:03— Lag hua kya?😂mereko laga hag diya
    1:05:09— Trishul ko jala dete 😶
    1:08:20– Trishul ko machhi se bachaya 😁
    1:11:44— miracle miracle 😂
    1:18:40— View OP❤️🔥
    1:21:01— Noice example sir😂😂
    1:24:29–Jod level saved by pot❤️😀
    2:50:50— JOD or wot? Almost clutch 😭
    3:20:38— Oh bhai kyahi one tap mare 🔥🔥
    Voice lag😭
    Low voice😭
    Minecraft server ka bt😭

  2. Harkoi iska uska gyan pele jarha hai bdiya lge rho or kya,
    I just want Mortal bhai to give few seconds to this,
    Whatever's all this going around, you know better ofc, sb temporary hai. *Bs baat itni si hai, due to many external factors, jese workload bhi, internet, lag ye sb bhi issues, all that plans and all going on rn, it is clearly visible that jo energy or jo enthusiasm aata hai stream pr wo utna high nhi hai, as compared to the other good days, actually people coming for you on the stream find your absence ek level pr, but obviously full moon k lie eclipse bhi aana zruri hai.❤️
    So please take care of it.😁🙌🏻
    And Just want to give a minor suggestion, lena ho to try kr skte, k half ya ek din ka break lo, make a schedule, or ekdo plan B or plan C bhi, keeping in mind any urgent tasks to be done, tow proper rest, exercise or stream shayad shi settle ho pye.
    Bki you're already jod re, wese bhi sooner you'll be mighty again✨❤️
    Take care jod❤️🙌🏻

  3. जो भी कमेंट पढ़ने आए हैं उसकी आंखों ने जो भी सपने देखे हैं भगवान उनके सपने जरूर पूरे करें🙏

  4. Bro if u like playing killjoy then watch keown of cloud 9. Hes a radiant killjoy. U can learn a lot of turret nd molly line ups from his channel. Also while playing as attackers on bind, don't push hukkah much. Take b long. U have an option to tp and it's easier to rotate. U can get trapped in hukkah if defenders take tp from a site. Love ur content ❤️ keep growing

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