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US Presidents Play Minecraft Hardcore
What if Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Barack Obama plays Minecraft Hardcore.
DISCLAIMER: The following video contains AI generated voices of several real people. These voices are fabricated for the purposes of entertainment, and the depiction of these characters do not reflect their real life counterparts.
Dark brandon is the goat 🐐
FINALLY ANOTHER HARDCORE VIDEO!!! I'm surprised they bring back the hardcore series, we need more hardcore videos on your channel these are hilarious and also dark Brandon is the best, anyway keep the amazing work bro! 😁❤❤
The best part of these videos is 100% the closing bit where Trump threatens to build a wall 🤣
“Shut up or I will nuke you as well.” 🤣🤣🤣
This is beyond a better SMP/Lore than the dream series.
More #DarkBrandon
Day 15 of asking for Kim Jong Un
is it me or is trumps voice off😊
Dark Brandon should be let out more
Far Brandon should be a rare appearance character but high impact
Good video!
Personally I'd bring out Dark Brandon occasionally (like every 4-5 episodes), and not for good purposes (such as solving puzzles like in Amanda or fighting blazes), but rather having it happen unintentionally when Joe loses control or something like that and at most keep Dark Brandon for several episodes in a row if you can make lore out of him taking over Joe for a prolonged period
Dark Brandon is such a cool and unique character. Good job. Love it!
Have dark brandon vs dark Trump name is donny
I think Brandon should Billie Donald but then Donald gets a Brandon 😊
Day 11 of suggesting creative build battles
More dark Brandon plz
Pls do more dark brandon. Its funny how he dunks on Trump!
Maybe a little less on the insults all the time and dark Brandon comes out every couple episodes at random. The world building is great.
Dark Brandon is boring
Every episode please
Dark Brandon is too powerful for this universe. But he could probably come out when they need help.
More dark Brandon😂
Trump being a tsundere.
Trump is king the trump of the trumps
Day 10 of asking for trump to ask for a small loan of 10 thousand likes
Me want more DaRk BrAnDoN
Joe is basically escanor
joe be built like gollum 💀
Imagine that split😳
can joe here the chrip song
if dark brandon is joe biden then what does trump and obama make
dark supreme trump and obama king of the nether
I’d like to see dark Brandon get controlled by trump
Dark Brandon is awesome
Dark brandon should play mansave
Dark Brandon is Solaire from Dark Souls
I wanna see Brandon be joe in the mindscape (in Minecraft) like that one total drama episode
I hope this episode doesn't spark some controversy about Jesus and everyone take it as a joke.
What if Dark Brendon turns out to be the real Joe that comes out when his wife isn't around to keep him in check?