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With all the recent updates Mojang has added to Minecraft, everyone is still asking for an End Update, so we updated it by adding in a million explosives 🙂
Get the mod & Support me on Ko-fi:
Special Thanks to @EightSidedSquare for
coding most of the mod, and @diansu4403 for helping out with quite a few of the ideas!
Check em out 🙂
I take a lot of inspiration from SimplySarc’s visual storytelling and doctor4t’s Modded Minecraft Content SMP videos. This video is probably catered more towards Systemzee’s and Knarfy’s audiences though.
I am planning to release Endless Abyss eventually, but if you want to support me on ko-fi, you can get early access to it and other mods that I'm working on:
Hope this gets added to the smp if they somehow make it to the end
when Boys get magic: Ka-boom. (insert giant explosion) and anyways if you give me explosives It will not end good for anyone unlucky enough to get in my way because I'm a total arsonist in some scenarios and you may be asking: "What does being a arsonist have to do with being a explosives man?" well sometimes (or guaranteed) well chemicals and all that junk and hot hot gas that expands causing fire and that's why explosives can trigger gasoline and some other chemical things that are prone to fire, and also I'm that type of guy, and also more about some aspects, what would happen if the black that feel from like WAY too high I wonder if there's a cap or not, and also so one wrong explosion and you blow up the whole entire island surface?
This is way better than anything mojang will make
And mojang couldn’t do three mobs
A terrible idea. Add charged enderman. It teleport to u and explode.
I feel like there will be a nuke soon
It would be funny if you add a bomb dropping mob and they are in a group. It is similar to the blitzkrieg and Barbarossa operation during WW2 when Hitler launched that operation to invade Europe😊.
But how about nuke
2:14 "what a cute little guy"
Hey just a cool concept idea with the sirrocco. You should make it so the mob can effectively be killed with a pickaxe because of its rocky skin instead of a sword or other tool. Just a bit of feedback, anyways great job on the mod! ❤
Hi I it been a day since this video
But your new block that store kinetic energy and blow it out on Impact yea…. THAT IS JUST VIBRANIUM
I dont play minecraft but i agree for a end biome
machine that cycles tntenium up and down indefinitely, then switch it off to achieve nuclear bomb
yo cool thing. You could probably infinitely stack TnTenium blast radius via bubble columns
Plsss lux make a mob that is a best plsss😢
Rat: ok (proceeds to add the september 11 attacks)
The soroco meat should also give you explosion resistance
7:34 "hbomberguy dont kill me" WHY IS THIS BECOMING A THING
Id love to support ur kofi but like.. u dont get called a rat??? That frels kinda bad. Probably a good change to make bc rats are very cute
is TEN just a tnt minecart w/extra steps? (also u could pair it w/ minecarts)