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Underground Temple | Tutorial | Timelapse build
Download the map on my Patreon : patreon.com/teamminecraftbuild
Texture pack : Faithfull 64×64
Shaders : Complementary shaders
Version : 1.20.1
Aint no way bros calling this a tutorial
I love the music and the temple
wow this "tutorial" was very easy to follow!! thanks!
Como se agrega esa semilla del fondo???
Wow, thanks so much for this 'tutorial' it helped so much!
My respects
Dont build a beacon, instead build this:
La mayoria no entiende español pero lo voy a escribir en español porque me da flojera buscar el traductor es un tutorial de como hacer un templo gigante y las medidas? No es hate me caes bien sigue haci
Plz tell me you did this in creative
Wow pro the best top1 👍👍👍👍:))
Фонтачическо 😮
Oh my God 😯😬
Un incroyable même moi je ne fais pas ça sur Minecraft
Keep it up bro u r very amazing 🤩🤩
Tout ce qui n'arrive jamais à faire des bulds aussi beau que ça 👇
You sooooooo cool❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks for this build ❤
Salam dari Indonesia, menurut saya youtuber minecraft yang terhebat jika membangun sesuatu adalah BAW karena dia membangun dalam mode hardcore bukan creative
Bro is graduated civil engineering from Minecraft University😂
That one friend in offline 🗿⛏️
Theo tôi nghĩ anh chàng này đã dành hơn 30 năm cuộc đời cho những công trình đồ sộ này
I saw everything but the tutorial in this veideo
Please tell me the name of the song
Harry potter castle next
I don’t have the patience to smithing that cool
Bro which Minecraft is that this is not mojang version
60 seconds video, 5 days real time😅
Imagine his Minecraft world 💀
Credit your music artists!!!!!!
Seriously I am sure this is Lindsey Stirlings music, credit her!!!
This is not an "underground temple"
While the build is fantastic, it is not a temple and it is not underground, if it was a temple there would be more than a few fancy pillars and patterns, there would be an altar, religious symbols on the walls and more. Also, for the build to be underground, there would need to be ground above it, afterall, it is UNDERground.
I'm not trying to hate on this channel, it is great, the builds just don't suit their names.
what's the title of the DJ?
gg perpect
I want your seed
Я еще не видит не удного ютуберов таких безумных построяе
Wooooow this crazy
Anyone go ahead this🗿🍷
His friend must have said u can’t build this
And he said hold my beer
im my mind looks like jurasic park
❤❤❤😮😮😊🎉yes yes
God gb
Where can I download this I couldn't find it in app
And I make a square house from dirt😢😢😢