Underground Temple | Tutorial | Timelapse build #cinematics #minecraft #build #timelapse

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Underground Temple | Tutorial | Timelapse build

Download the map on my Patreon : patreon.com/teamminecraftbuild

Texture pack : Faithfull 64×64
Shaders : Complementary shaders
Version : 1.20.1


45 thoughts on “Underground Temple | Tutorial | Timelapse build #cinematics #minecraft #build #timelapse”

  1. La mayoria no entiende español pero lo voy a escribir en español porque me da flojera buscar el traductor es un tutorial de como hacer un templo gigante y las medidas? No es hate me caes bien sigue haci

  2. This is not an "underground temple"

    While the build is fantastic, it is not a temple and it is not underground, if it was a temple there would be more than a few fancy pillars and patterns, there would be an altar, religious symbols on the walls and more. Also, for the build to be underground, there would need to be ground above it, afterall, it is UNDERground.

    I'm not trying to hate on this channel, it is great, the builds just don't suit their names.


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