Types of Minecraft Players Travelling

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

In this video I will show you some different types of Minecraft players and what they do while travelling πŸ™‚

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#minecraft #shorts


42 thoughts on “Types of Minecraft Players Travelling”

  1. Actually the fastest way to travel
    Is get an elytra. Start gliding when it rains and use a max riptide trident by spamming it. If you check your coordinate you would be going around 1000 blocks a second most likely more. Me and my friends used this in our ocean only world. Bc there was icebergs at the world border and our base was at spawn. So to collect ice we would afk in our mob form and wait till it rains then travel in light speed to the icebergs once it does


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