Turning Minecraft Into Stardew Valley

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

FlowSMP: https://www.patreon.com/flowstatevideo
Discord: https://discord.gg/7kndwK3FxK



26 thoughts on “Turning Minecraft Into Stardew Valley”

  1. I've discovered your channel a few days ago and since then i am binge watching every episode. You reignited my love for minecraft again and i just started a new survival world to just chill and play vanilla minecraft again. No auto xp iron farm, just minecraft. I really thank you for that. I couldnt enjoy minecraft for a long time but i feel like in the old days, love u man ♥

  2. Please do I just survival video. I know you said that you don't like doing multiple video things but it would be nice to see you do everything that you said you want to do, and not have it end because of a bat. I still love the content anyways! Good luck on your next video.

  3. Hi Flow!! Maybe it too much to ask but, is it possible for you to share the mod packs you are using in each video, on discord? Correct me if I'm wrong but i only see the ones for the SMP.
    PS: Congratulations on quitting your job, wish you all the best.

  4. I absolutely loved playing this modpack, however, I've been wanting to play with friends and I noticed the server pack isn't updated. Is there a chance that you'll make a server pack for the latest version of the pack ?

  5. I just stumbled upon your channel, and I'm so glad I did! Your style is truly one-of-a-kind—the cinematic vibe, the breathtaking visuals, and stunning landscapes feel like watching a moving painting. Keep up this amazing work, and success is sure to follow! Greetings from Brazil!

  6. Hey flow, really loved your video! Great vid man as always. Just want to also tell you that Jesus loves you and by following Him you will be saved, gain an invaluable relationship and find all that you would ever want. God Bless <3!

  7. It's alright to chill and take things at your own leisurely pace sometimes, if theres one thing you'd want to be sure of though its that you can look back on it with little regret. Nobody will ever live perfectly as they'd want to, so don't stress too hard over what could be and just enjoy what is sometimes

  8. I feel like a big reason why you are being "rewarded" by youtube is because the content you are putting out is something that you genuinely love doing, and it certainly can be felt by the viewer, which leads them to not only appreciate the product, but also feel a more direct connection with it. You love this format and it can be felt, and even though it might not be for everyone, perhaps costing you a bit in a larger viewership due to trending, you are creating an audience that is more likely to be connected to your channel specifically, meaning it will pay off in the long run.

    Personally, what I love about your long videos, which have a new beginning every time, is that I don't feel compelled to tune in at a specific schedule each time the creator uploads. Sometimes I miss out when a creator starts off a new series, and suddenly there is like 20 videos of 45 minutes each, and I don't even want to start watching it because I feel like there's no point in catching up… (Kinda like One Piece). Whereas with your kind of format, I can choose a video, start it, and don't even need to finish it all in one go… I can leave it there and tune back in when I can and want to, and not feel like I missed out on new lore and new things.

    Also, congrats on going full time, super happy for you! 🙂

    (edit) you summarised what I said literally three seconds after I commented this…lol


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