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Taking time to build a great base, leveling up, and spending skill points to become stronger, conquering the vaults, and solving the artifact puzzle is my goal! Wish me luck! Let’s take on this crazy fun and challenging modpack called Vault Hunters and may the Vault LUCK be on our side!
Vault Hunters is a massive RPG-focused modpack, Vault Hunters allows players to customize their abilities and talents. Over 2 billion different items are available for looting inside the mysterious and dangerous Vaults. There are armors, weapons, and idols (totems) that boost a player’s attributes and stats. For the pack to be completed, 25 unique artifacts must be collected and forged together to unlock the final vault.
Vault Hunters Modpack!
► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/vault-hunters-official-modpack
Vault Hunters Website
► https://vaulthunters.gg/
► Minecraft World Info
— World Generation —
Starting Pack Version: v1.12.4
Seed: 6379048801372708852
World Type: Default
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They are located in the World-Downloads Channel and are posted every 10 episodes.
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#Minecraft #vaulthunters #ChosenArchitect
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You know chosen you should have started living in that amazing tower with all the chests when you first died in the rlcraft series you did and then left the dragon alone
Ey mate you know you can craft armour crates of different mods like botania and slot morge just type in JEI armour crate and some of them u can craft and other u can get by completing certain vaults hope u wil add these sets to your armour collection
I love when you do farms and building… I'm not too excited for the vaults, but I still love watching your videos!
Two things:
1. For bone meal automation, can you not use a "chest" hopper on a composter on an hopper on a "chest"
And 2. Are you no longer using your trash Danks? I might have missed where you explained why?
Haven't seen anyone playing this pack. I may have to go see the beginning. It looks neat.
Interesting. I got an X-Mark Ore Room in a Copious, Plentiful vault today.
You can make just a vinilla bone meal farm with a composter
Did you seriously just ignore the challenge crystal… 🙁
To reroll a artifact you have to combine it with an omega pog
Damn this was a good episode! Fast pace farm build, which isnt even ugly and the sick editing of that crazy good vault!
But I have to ask, you said “CRP vault” what is that?
You should play fantasy realms mod
You can make multiple compost and have a big farm to automate bonemeal.
That helmet looks Luke rhulk from vow of the deciple raid in Destiny 2
15:43 the crystal in the top left had nothing on it?
On fridays you should do a key room with a loaded crystal and call it freaky fridays lol
You could have one exporter to a buffer and just filter each barrel, and the importers as well
1:07, uh yeah .-_-. We all wish it was 🙁
65 episodes in. Will he ever get bored XD
You should put the spruce on the edge with a 2×2 for symmetry with dark oak
@ChosenArchitect if you want to automate the production of bonemeal you can use a hopper going into the top of a composter and then a hopper at the bottom of it to take the bonemeal where needed. All that needs to be done is for you to create an infinite supply of organic material to the top hopper
all vaccines are poison also join my minecraft server
Couldn’t you automate bonemeal crafting with create? Or was that also removed
I think it’s time for maxed luck.
Can't you use a compacting drawer to get bone meal?
chosen, create bonemeal the vanilla way, farmer willager doing carrots, have him throw it to another villager but pick it up with a hopper before it reaches a the villager, then just feed it into a composter, will be slow but it will passively get you bonemeal
Cant you just use composters for your bone meal?
the x-marks the spot room just reminds me of the spongebob episode where they steal an entire hotel room
Actually you can automate bonemeal. Simply pipe it into the Immersive Engineering Crusher and you get a 6:1 ratio of bone meal to bones and then just pipe it out.