Toxic Friends – Noob & Steve #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts February 15, 2023 by Bigbrain Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ ♫ Toxic Friends BoyWithUke source
Bro this is so relateabel I got a trident and my friend said give it to me and I said to enchant it he said yeah I was stacked with a netherite armor he used a knockback II Sword on me and I fell into ravine but I had water bucket Reply
No seteve
steve so bad noob is good
Minecraft in Ohio at 3:am be like
Bad Steve vs cute noob
هاذي نظرتي لما خدعة 14 واحد في امونقس وخليتهم يصوتو على بعض وبقى اثنين قلتلت واحد وفزت 😁😁😁😁😁😁
Toxic player can get karma
I like Noob not Steve 😠😠😠
Maangal human has bad steve
Poor steav
noooo noob😫😫😫😫😫
the water
noob 💀😭😢🥺
Kind steve in Ohio:
Steve don't likes me
Poor noob
Steve e mau
🙁 Noob
Bro this is so relateabel I got a trident and my friend said give it to me and I said to enchant it he said yeah I was stacked with a netherite armor he used a knockback II Sword on me and I fell into ravine but I had water bucket
No Steve / yas noob
noooooooooo noob
Noobbbb nooooooooo
Noob become nobrine and steves face:💀🫥