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Background Music:
“Night out” by LiQWYD https://www.youtube.com/c/LiQWYD
All creators in this video have been featured in previous videos. Although, there is just simply too many creators used in this video to link every single one of them since YouTube only lets you have the description of your videos be 5000 characters long. If you want to find one of these creators, search them up either on twitch.tv or YouTube. Nametags for every creator is listed on the screen of their clip so make sure to check them out!
Please note: On Gamers React, you will discover highly edited gaming clips from streamers. Clips used in the video are submitted by fans through our email and discord server. I spend over 12 hours per video editing to transform these clips into something that has never been seen before! There is also commentary from me that is included within the video for either added entertainment or to highlight something the audience may have missed out on without said commentary. My edits include creative subtitles, that we edit (it may go bigger or smaller based on the person’s speech or have some other kind of edit). Creative sound effects like cartoon effects when someone either falls from a high place, hits the ground, falls in lava, dies in the game, and much more. We include many memes in the video to make the video more entertaining for the viewer to watch as well as include many green screen effects to make the videos more comical and creative. We also spend time zooming in on peoples faces as well as zooming into certain parts of the video to highlight something the viewer may be missing out on if there were no zoom ins. We also manipulate audio or video in our clips to ensure there is no dead air for our viewers to watch. Over 50 clips are used in every video and we come up with a creative way to alter EVERY SINGLE clip to make it our own and UNIQUE to OUR channel. The majority of the unedited (or original) version of the clips I use can NOT be found anywhere else on YouTube. If you have any concerns or want a clip of yours removed, please send an email at [email protected]
Its so nice to see technoblade is still in your videos. He'll never be forgotten
WAIT i killed the cows 4:03 ! Im glad it was good for something LOLLL
it's so cool that roscumber made it into a compilation like this 🙂
ha ha ha ha that totem gay
OMG, when I was younger, that sticky keys thing got me every time.
This is are funny cilps
Gamers react? I almost broke a mc world record… 😭😭😭😭😭
When I first saw the thumbnail I said Where is the hoe ?
Heme ❤
Whats wrong with ur mike 😆
2:31 is the shining update of minecraft back to 1980
1:05 I believe someone set it to peaceful you can watch the zombie in the back also disappear
12:30 HOW can a villager kill his dog??
The thumbnail is most certainly fake.
I just realized scrolling this much on YouTube that the amount of Minecraft content is insane. I am talking millions of vidoes.
einfach @bastighg xD
O forever no começo véi, é o Brazuca
Yo, I wanna be a YouTuber and will post every lucky, unlucky, or funny moments in my videos to gamers react. GAMERS REACT
Captt eedddd
bro its been 2 years dammn.
7:31 it's just a glitch😂
My clip is not submitting
Nice one CptEddd!
I’m glad to see Technoblade clips again, even tho this was a long time ago
Edit: also, wasn’t this patched?
bro bionic be setting stuff up he is not a speedrunner
19:13 LOL 😂😂
time 10:58 the guy looks like Mbappe!
On the clip at 1:04 they must have had multiplayer and someone turn it to peaceful because in the background on the ledge a bit to the right another zombie disappeared
Ok there's this 1 round of skywars that i won by block trapping someone then i won the game.. i got a double kill too.. Amazing vids btw!
Good video 😅😅😅(FBI where are you?)
Abuda lakaka 😂
The funny thing is at one point in time I was in a creative world and I flew to a village that had a blacksmith I open the chest I open the chest and long behold four diamonds
0:32 Technoblade never dies
fr bro mobs just bounce when theyre at the edge of a block💀💀💀
7:01 فريق المكسيكي يصف جمبي
Gamers React on this seed: 5011710214124950826 on this coordinates: X: -3,752 Z: 14,648 and X: -4,424 Z: 14,648 are 8 new trims
Technoblade never dies
Amir right leeeets goooooooo😂😂❤