Top 10 Minecraft Mods Of The Week | Bundles!, BetterEnd, Subterranean Wilderness, Visp, and More!

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10 Fantastic new Minecraft mods! The mods include Bundles!, Skinned Lanterns, Eroding Stone Entities, Treemendous, Reusable …


25 thoughts on “Top 10 Minecraft Mods Of The Week | Bundles!, BetterEnd, Subterranean Wilderness, Visp, and More!”

  1. 2:38

    Yeah like trees not being flammable, biome spawn rates being hard AF to configure (if that is even possible) and making lumber axes take the same ammount of time to break logs independent of material type, enchantment type and tree size. If the mod had a sprinkle of quality on these features i see it working pretty well

  2. Maybe I should write here a little guide "how to fabric".
    Why Fabric?
    Let's start with a history lesson. If I remember correctly, Fabric appeared because it took hell of a time for Forge team to make the FML for 1.13. It was something like total rewrite. Later on, I started to see that people yeels that Forge community is even more toxic than Dota 2's… Like, you can be treatened like shit if you don't know how to code something on Forge. Thats why many modders've quit Forge. And now, why Fabric? Fabric is a lightweight base and even on my potato pc I managed to run a 91 mods pack in 40 FPS, while on Forge I'd call a firefighter team. Some modders say that it's just easier to code on Fabric.

    So how to install Fabric?
    1) Download a Fabric launcher from
    2) Open it and choose a required version. You shouldn't touch the Fabric loader version though. I think it's neccesary only when there are conflicts because devs have changed something. Haven't happened to me btw.
    I suggest installing it in a separate folder, if you're using TLauncher just like me. If it's installed correctly, in your folder you'll find versions/fabric-whatevernexttheregoes.
    3) Install missing Minecraft files.
    4) Most mods requires Fabric API. Find it on curseforge. Put it in a mods folder just like you install mods on Forge. Don't be afraid if there is no mods folder, just create it.
    5) You're ready to go.

    Suggested mods: Sodium (Much more swift alternative to Optifine. There is a mod called OptiFabric, but when I tried to use it it only made things worse. But you can try anyway), Lithium + Performant (An ultimate pair that will significantly increase your TPS and will reduce your CPU usage), Phosphor (Light engine optimizations), Not Enough Crashes (Minecraft no longer closes when you encounter a crash), Fabrication (A huge tweaker for all aspects of Minecraft), Lamb Dynamic Lights (The name says it), Smooth Boot (Reduces the usage of computer resources while loading Minecraft) and many more you can find on Curseforge in the Fabric cathegory

  3. I love Better End, probably the best End Mod out there. I don’t want the vanilla game to take a similar approach because of the Vibe or whatever, but yeah, really good mod with so much scenery

  4. they should make a addon or update the fabric seasons that adds in things like heaters and freezers so you can still do redstone with ice and water in any season


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