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Top 10 Seeds for Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.16 Sponsored by SignalRGB! Download SignalRGB and use code “Chill” to get one month of game integration for free! http://bit.ly/SignalRGBandChill
These Minecraft Bedrock Edition Seeds will work for Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition), Xbox, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch & Windows 10. This Top 10 Minecraft Seeds video showcases the best Minecraft Seeds that were found for Minecraft Bedrock Edition this week! Enjoy! #Minecraft #MinecraftSeeds #BedrockEdition
0:00 – Intro
0:52 – Seed 10 Mooshroom Village Island
1:20 – Seed 9 Epic Mountain Village Seed
2:57 – Seed 8 Flower Spawn with Diamond Ravine
3:50 – Seed 7 Tall Outpost Village at Spawn
4:42 – Seed 6 Witch Hut Outpost Village Seed
5:20 – Seed 5 Giant Portal Fortress Spawn
6:18 – Seed 4 Floating Fossil Ravine Village
7:18 – Seed 3 Outpost Village with Dungeon Temple
9:10 – Seed 2 Portal on a Mansion
9:52 – 3 End Portals Close Together
10:53 – Bonus Seed
These Minecraft Seeds were all recorded on Minecraft Bedrock Edition (1.16). Therefore, they will work on all Minecraft Bedrock Edition platforms including Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Pocket Edition (MCPE), Windows 10 Nintendo Switch PS4 & PS5!
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INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ChillMinecraftSeeds
Business Enquiries: minecraftandchillbusiness@outlook.com
Do not miss any Amazing Minecraft Seeds! I upload brand new Minecraft Seeds every week on this channel. Make sure you haven’t missed out on your perfect Minecraft Seed by checking out these Playlists!
WEEKLY TOP 10 SEEDS PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp1QHaoWaTH0FQKuVuMN1ufTGsr9GiRv8
BEST SEEDS PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp1QHaoWaTH1raQvK-pEg1Hc1avVIzBH3
Music Credits:
Pianocraft – Sheet Music Boss: https://youtu.be/8Y78TN35Rv0
Minecraft Music Owned & Created By C418. Here are their links:
Website – https://c418.org/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/C418
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/C418
What is Minecraft & Chill?
Minecraft & Chill is a family friendly Minecraft YouTube Channel that specializes in Minecraft Seed Showcases. Minecraft seeds are values made up of character(s) (including negative or positive integers) that are used as the basis for generating every Minecraft world. I find seeds that create interesting Minecraft worlds & share these seeds with my audience so they can play on the interesting worlds that I find.
All of my Minecraft Seeds are filmed on Minecraft Bedrock Edition on my Xbox One. Therefore, all of the Minecraft Seeds shown on my YouTube Channel are Minecraft Bedrock Edition Seeds. Minecraft Bedrock Edition is a collective term for several Minecraft versions. These versions include Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Windows 10, Nintendo Switch, Pocket Edition (commonly known as PE or MCPE) Playstation 4 & Playstation 5 (PS4 & PS5). Therefore, all of the Minecraft Seeds that you see on this channel will work for Minecraft Xbox One, Minecraft Nintendo Switch, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, PE, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X & Minecraft Bedrock Edition.
To clarify, all of the Minecraft Seeds shown on my Youtube Channel will work for the following editions of Minecraft:
Minecraft Xbox One Edition
Minecraft Xbox Series X
Minecraft PS4 Edition
Minecraft PS5 Edition
Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition
Minecraft Pocket Edition
Minecraft Windows 10 Edition
TOP 10 BEST NEW SEEDS For Minecraft Bedrock Edition! (PE, Xbox, Playstation, Switch & Windows 10)
Here's the Top 10 Minecraft Bedrock Edition Seeds that you guys submitted this week! This week's seeds include a Ruined Portal on top of a Mansion, a Mooshroom Island Village, a Tall Outpost Village, a Seed with 3 End Portals close together & so much more! Let me know which Seed is your favourite this week! & let me know if you find any cool seeds for next week's video! Thanks for watching! & Thanks to WhirlwindFX & SignalRGB for supporting the channel this week! <3
Underwater open end portal and library with ocean monument seed
Witch hut village: X: -2966; Z: -257
Double Ravine Stronghold village: X: -1640; Z: -1094
Underwater Stronghold Monument open End portal(X: 2174; Y: 40; Z: 856), and library (X: 2189; Y: 48; Z: 868)
Shader please
the seed one of my worlds is in is rlly good I can show u if u want
What shader is that?
Kommentar 200
8 is fake
Another great video by the worlds best minecraft seed channel on YouTube. Love your seeds

Nice bro love you
Todo es muy increíble el interesante será q me podes decir que textura se llama porfa
419099240 is the best seed in this vid
961, 71, -1215
666 seed for mine craft
Thank GOODNESS you uploaded this video! I was looking for a seed video and I was about to lose hope! Thanks
Dude what are the seeds
2:04 the villagers watching one of their houses burn: this is fine
I love this channel
Rgb my favorite
İf only you will 1m
Minercraft and chill I like your vidios