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Here are this week’s TOP 10 BEST NEW SEEDS for Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.16! This week’s TOP 10 Minecraft Seeds include a Village with a Floating House, a Triple Dungeon, a Double Titanic Shipwreck Seed, Giant Ruined Portal Villages & so much more!
These Minecraft Seeds are for Minecraft Bedrock Edition (1.16). Therefore, they will work on all Minecraft Bedrock Edition platforms including Xbox One, Pocket Edition (MCPE), Windows 10 Nintendo Switch & PS4!
If you have any cool and interesting Minecraft Seeds that you’d like to share, leave them in the comments below!
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I hope you enjoy these Minecraft Seeds! I upload brand new Minecraft Seeds every week on this channel, so if you’re new here it’s likely that you’ve missed a Seed that is perfect for you! Check out these Playlists to make sure you haven’t missed your perfect Minecraft Seed!
✅ WEEKLY TOP 10 SEEDS PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp1QHaoWaTH0FQKuVuMN1ufTGsr9GiRv8
✅ BEST SEEDS PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp1QHaoWaTH1raQvK-pEg1Hc1avVIzBH3
Music Credits:
Minecraft Music Owned & Created By C418. Here are their links:
Website – https://c418.org/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/C418
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/user/C418
What is Minecraft & Chill?
Minecraft & Chill is a family friendly Minecraft YouTube Channel that specializes in Minecraft Seed Showcases. Minecraft seeds are values made up of character(s) (including negative or positive integers) that are used as the basis for generating every Minecraft world. I find seeds that create interesting Minecraft worlds & share these seeds with my audience so they can play on the interesting worlds that I find.
All of my Minecraft Seeds are filmed on Minecraft Bedrock Edition on my Xbox One. Therefore, all of the Minecraft Seeds shown on my YouTube Channel are Minecraft Bedrock Edition Seeds. Minecraft Bedrock Edition is a collective term for several Minecraft versions. These versions include Xbox One, Windows 10, Nintendo Switch Pocket Edition (commonly known as PE or MCPE) & Playstation 4 (PS4). Therefore, all of the Minecraft Seeds that you see on this channel will work for Minecraft Xbox One, Minecraft Nintendo Switch, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, PE, PS4 & Minecraft Bedrock Edition.
To clarify, all of the Minecraft Seeds shown on my Youtube Channel will work for the following editions of Minecraft:
Minecraft Xbox One Edition
Minecraft PS4 Edition
Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition
Minecraft Pocket Edition
Minecraft Windows 10 Edition
#Minecraft #MinecraftSeeds #BedrockEdition
0:00 – Intro
0:37 – Portal Room Dungeon Seed
2:00 – Mooshroom Village Seed
3:19 – Floating House Seed
4:32 – Perfect Triple Dungeon Seed
6:11 – Great Nether Seed
7:34 – Giant Portal Mountain Village
8:46 – Jungle Temple Village Seed
10:08 – Giant Portal Village
11:28 – Double Titanics Seed
12:43 – All Wood Types at Spawn
13:55 – Bonus Seed
TOP 10 BEST NEW SEEDS For Minecraft 1.16 | FLOATING HOUSE VILLAGE! (PE, Xbox, PS4, Switch & W10)
-1337710145 try it you wont regret it the seed has the mesa desert taiga and more you spawn in a jungle on a tree and theres a stronghold in the taiga village
Hey, can I pass my seed? Outpost "next" to spawn and a HUGE RAVINE WITH 8 diamonds… problably I'll edit it
Minecraft PE 1.16
Seed: 205320472
Stronghold is located under Village and 2 Dungeons are in stronghold. It is located below 2nd Village about 300 blocks away from the spawn. The pyramid near 1st Village.
hey minecraft and chill could you survive on some of your seeds? I mean to make a suvirval.
My favorite seed 1745560942
Coul you make a top 10 villages I am looking for a good village to build
Bagus dan keren 👍👍👍👍👍
0:45 rip 😟
A random seed I found, giant island with many warm biomes: -580850824. BEDROCK ONLY!!!
Found a seed on tiktok then i explore the world and i saw a village and when i straight ahead i saw outpost with village and i go back in the first village i saw something on the ground so i dig down i thought its a dungeon but its a ruin portal and when i entered the portal i saw a basitionremnant
I love the new vid edits!!
Thanks helpful
Hy! 🙂
Fantastic seed:
Great Village-ruined portal-desert temple,
another great village-outpost-ruined portal,
and big (double?) ruined portal-stonghold combination in one seed
Village-ruined portal-temple X:-1677, Z: -3716
village-outpost-ruined portal: Runed portal X: 1312; Y: 54; Z: 666 outpost, and desert village X: 1312; Z: 665 near desert temple
Stronghold-big (double?)ruined portal: End portal: X: 2285; Y: 21; Z: 181; ruined portal: X: 2318; Y: 36; Z: 163
Cool seed: -3245637759026581331. Like my other seed in the comments section of this video, and has a huge island a reasonable distance away. Now I have only seen this in a seed map, so i don't know if it is cool or not, but it does have a shattered savanna and a village at X: -2,808 Z: 1,816. This is also the coords for the island. Have fun!
Who just found this channel and is now watching him/her/them regularly now
Nice video man you still remember me?
i want to tell you the see of desert tample in villige -316583325 ihope you see my comment😍😍😍😍
-708615742 spawns right by a pretty cool shattered savanna with plateau
Balanced seed unchecked
World size classic
Biome size large
Spawn beside two separate villages and a pillager post
Islands seed with mansion at start
Unchecked balanced seed
World classic
Biome large
Seed: -1020943679488806347
Sea temple x39 y59 z-248
Seed 4 cave generation is like 1.17
Please This Seed 666 A Desert Temple Spawn Village Whit A Rare House Ruined Portal And Many Sand And Dirt And Wood in The Nrther on 100 30 40 A Bastionrenamnt
When I checked his sub count I thought that he had way more than just 78k he should have more so underated
I FOUND A SEED WITH ALL EYES OF ENDER IN THE PORTAL. the only problem is that that it is in 1.12. here is the seed anyways.95148563599334434.
This is feik
Alright here is the crazy 6 way river seed it's ready i hope you like it
(Use it if you like :D)
Seed: 1075931152
6 way river right next to spawn at 2, 125, -8
(Really unusual coords don't you think?)
122, 125, 45 Spawn Village!!!
Jungle right at spawn at 45, 125, 95
I really hope you enjoy the seeds have a great day!!! 😀
the floating house one isnt the same
i cant teleprt me to the locatin on the last seed!?
I don't like it
I love it
This difenitely earn a LIKE and a SUB
Edit : i know your shock when u see the first line😉
I’m a simple guy. When I see and Minecraft and Chill video, I like 👍.
Try seed i,am the nob
Has anyone look up this seed –919593283.It has a floating desert house.Go to these coordinates -1264,75,2709