This Update BROKE Minecraft… How To FIX IT | Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.30 Update

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POSSIBLE FIX to your super laggy Minecraft worlds if it is a result of the new 1.20.30 patch! Specific kinds of villager pathfinding are to blame here, but it is something you may be able to manage in your world until a fix is implemented.

Bug Report:

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49 thoughts on “This Update BROKE Minecraft… How To FIX IT | Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.30 Update”

  1. For some reason, I havent really run into many of these issues, probably because I havent been playing bedrock that much. The main issue I have, and its why I dont play bedrock that much, is that the UI interface is incredibly slow for me. Slow to where I'll be in a world, try to access the options menu, and my game will completely lock up the screen for 30 seconds or more, which makes the game unplayable as the game still processes what is happening in the world. Even loading into the game takes a very long time. It makes it even more infuriating as I have been working on a addon and I do not have the patience to wait 5 minutes for the world to load each time, as addon packs cannot be refreshed in game.

    Edit: Uninstalling and getting a fresh new Install of the game fixed this, but backup worlds, resource packs, and behavior packs up.

  2. Im playing on ps5 and these are the issues ive found on my server.

    -I understand that curing villagers has been nerfed, but it affected my villagers that already existed.
    -when i land from flying with an elytra and walk forward towards a block you can crawl under, it automatically makes me crawl (to clarify, im not flying under the block. Im landing a few blocks away and walking)

  3. Thanks for spreading info about this bug!. Just added 200 librarians to my world to get around the upcoming villager enchanted book trading changes and I was very worried when you said that the lag had to do with villager path finding.

  4. I noticed yesterday I was trying to do the achievement map room and flying around Just fine until I put the map in my offhand and the lag was almost unplayable also if anyone has any help with that achievement because I did it three times with level 3 maps and it would not complete

  5. I mean I've definitely caught a bug with the update. There was lag straight out the gate, but mostly rn there's a bug that you can no longer waterlog fan Coral. You can waterlog the large corals, but not the fan kind

  6. I noticed a few issues with the latest update on the XBSS right away: 1. The loud water sound. 2. Occasional graphics stalling when quickly strip mining. 3. Trading hall rates reset so no discounted items – I don't know if rezombifying them would bring rates back down again but that would be such a HUGE grind if it did that I don't even want to think about it.

  7. Prowl, I am not receiving xp when fishing, it is not always the same though, I have a really good pole and am receiving items. Also my mob farm is doing the same thing. I get all the drops but not nearly the correct amount of xp. After afking for 10 minutes then killing the mobs I may only get 2 full levels. Starting at level 27 or so. Has anyone else seen this?

  8. Not sure if anyone else is having trouble with crafting stacks of items on mobile, but long pressing used to craft the whole stack, but now it just does one at a time slowly. It takes like 15 seconds to craft a stack of anything now

  9. 1. I've encountered the exact 3 problems you mentioned. Except for the part where you can't hit the mob, it was my chest specifically (with/out a chest plate) when my friends tried to hit me, restarting fixed it.

    2. Getting hit produces changing/ putting on armour sound.

    3. Getting hit on different parts of the armour (in my case, was the helmet, and my friend's was the boots) produces a very faint squeaky sound.

    4. Elytras are very buggy: Sometimes if you fly, you get stuck flying on the ground (fixed by double jumping) or get in crawling position in a one block gap (or less than a block, for example a pot in a one block gap) even if it was not intended.

    5. If you place a moss carpet on a fence and you stand on it, it looks like you're floating (not a big deal, but worth mentioning).

    6. Sometimes villagers (that are already traded with) would not reclaim their workstation after removing them, this would last for a couple of real-time days, then would reclaim it for no appearant reason. This was and still a thing before 1.20.30.

    7. Sniffers not dropping a seed sometimes after digging, not sure if it was intended that way.

  10. Yeah, that sign bug is super annoying. Was trying to set up storage area for a new world and after a few I couldn't place or edit signs for a few hours even after reloging several times 😢

  11. I experienced a new and very frequent bug. When i die once , all the UI from the screen gets turned off. No health bar , no items bar , no anything. Just the game view and nothing else. The second time i die , the game just crashes. This happens 100% of the time wherever i die a second time and it crashes and keeps repeating.

  12. Playing on PS4. I used to play Disney Infinity on PS3 years back. Eventually the game's mechanics got too big for the console. I fear that's what's happening to me with Minecraft on the PS4.

    I've seen tremendous lag and difficulties picking up items and XP. I've uninstalled/reinstalled the game from disc and rebuilt the database.

    I did get another update the next day and everything worked fine. I'm just not sure how much longer my luck will hold out.

    Thanks for the vid. Good to know I'm not the only one with issues. And thanks for the channel. You help with a lot of Bedrock related issues.

  13. I thought the lag was just cuz I play on my phone with my kids lol. It’s the worst when I’m harvesting crops. I had pretty big crop fields for my villagers, I just decreased their fields a lot because I figured their inventories were full.

    Good to know it wasn’t just my phone giving out

  14. hey prowl, i have this issue with the lag but it seems to be around the raid farm i built, which was one of your builds. i have a small allay cloning station under it, again, your build. i have terrible lag there to the point a trident killer doesnt work right and is very laggy. do you think this could be related or whether its something else?

  15. Drinking Potions… almost drowned lol. Lagged while "fighting" an Enderman.. it didn't though (sigh.. I needed it's eye. )(I have a bad habit of making new worlds ) So I think i will just build the bridge I have been putting off and just change the blocks when I can . Because I want prismarine . lol First time viewing your vids. Thanks for the info. I also subbed.

  16. Thanks for the info prowl 😀
    But I don't have any farmers , just 2 libirarians, 2 fletcher and 1 Mason and the 2 libirarians are 50 to 60 blocks far away from other villagers.i still get lag in this situation. Can anyone tell me how to fix it?
    Note : It's on a server (I was the only one on)


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