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This minecraft video will satisfy your brain
Today in minecraft, we react to a minecraft compilation with the most satisfying minecraft videos!
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlIrHz2Lqtg
You don’t have to tho 😂
whos here before he hits 1000 likes
There only 90 comment
I love this vid hope you can love it and give me a shout out
Awesome video MrTopCraft!! Have a great day!!
He is a cheater
He got satisfied 4 times and he said two more trys
What would satisfy my brain is spelling you’re right shaking my head. Also you’re voice makes this not satisfy AT ALL
Hi 🧀
Do you like mr cheese
Its ok if he deletes minecraft he still has among us, fortnite, and roblox
The water and lava one is so nice
Your friend never gives up on these pranks
In the thumbnail I think there is 1 Gold ingot.just look at the thumbnail very closely
The diamonds falling off the tree was the most unsatisfying thing
0:50 when u cough in public
Who do you voted?
Mrtop5 in 2017: ok
Mrtop5 in 2018: Horrible
Mrtop5 in 2019: ok
Mrtop5 in 2020: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
not satisfied
this is how many times he said satisfying or satisfied or satisfy
Hi Create A New YT Channel Called MrJustDance To Just Dance 2020 or 2021 in ur tv (Make sure To Buy Any Console And Buy Just Dance Disc)
Ok MrTop5 – I have been watching your channel for some time now and I always and only see CLICKBAIT videos on all your channels . If you don't stop I sadly will have to report all your channels for
clickbaitthat you think its ok . I don't get it how you always make little children where their brain hasn't fully developed to think stuff you post is real . You probably think that your "clickbait videos" are ok and you can make "profit" out of them . Just pleaee stop , this isn't ok .0:07–0:35 DAMN BOI THAT A LOT OF STONKS
The video: Congrats, you have been defeated by level 1 AND my stonks
I think you probably cheated
I- lol :mrtopcraft I AM DELETING MINE CRAFT FOREVER :mrtopcraft before I am uninstalling mine craft
I was satisfied for the whole thing
Omg Mr top craft is reacting to my video
Dont uninstall Minecraft
You play fortnite and you don't even play minecraft
So satifying
u stole the title from the original video
Why does Nic says "Eliminated" even though hes in minecraft?
So close
Smiley face
Even if you get satisfied 5 times you won't even uninstall it
what !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dye 202of ple troll diedlx with the engender mod
Yo Nick can you add me on fornite
I love your videos