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Hey guys! I’m back with a satisfying Minecraft video! I’m presenting things from the Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update that will satisfy you.
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#Minecraft #Satisfying #1.17 #Caves_and_Cliffs
Music Used:
Danny by C418
Cat by C418
Stal by C418
In this video, I’m showing some of the most satisfying Minecraft things in the 1.17 Cave and Cliffs update which are Sculk sensor, Copper lightning rod, Spyglass, bundle, water proof rails, Amethyst, Glow squid, Powder snow, raw metals, Axolotl, candles drip stone and drip leaf.
1:25 did we just get rick rolled?
I imagine a new type of trap that has these plants, imagine this in a Manhunt
2:32 Somebodt hear the Bendy And The Ink Machine menu theme?
What? BEANS 4:09
when snow doesn't melt in the nether
Minecraft is have passing a long journey…
Something we needed.
I mean the Ores that already existed which have different texture
I like the new ones
I can’t do it, it’s on 1.16.221
ah yes
the murder of villagers is veeeeery satisfying
164,584th view
nah fam
2:53 Y E A H
Just got 1.17 in bedrock and sis not get the part 2 ;-;
I thought skulk wasn’t added after all
This video really make me want to sleep
I how can I get 1.17 cave and clip update?
OMGthis is so satisfying
October 2021 minecraft live Minecraft the movie Trailer 2022 coming
3:00 i like it
4:10 yes beans
Rails have been waterloggable since 1.13
The villagers were IMPALED!
I downloaded by APK XD
I stopped playing Minecraft a few years ago and I'm so excited to see what it's become that now I'm saving to buy myself a pc and play it again. Although I think I'll have to see a tutorial to get back into the game 😂
5:11 We sub to u thats why we ur frnds 🙂
Me who was able to place rails under water cuz i’m in bedrock:
I’m four parallel universes ahead of you
Won’t believe it till i see it myself
The drip leaf has drip inside it when killed it gives you drip
Is it on bedrock too?
4:08 B E A N S
one of my friends said 1.17 was delayed he was wrong
5:10 I can be your Friend
Minecraft 1.17 is released. Yoohoo
Your subscritors are as your friends
Loved this
Wait! We now have infinite lava sources?
And Fortune works on Gold and Iron?
Now we can snow MLG in the nether?
Water Doesn’t break rails?
The new raw gold block looks like macaroni?
u do have a friend bec the person that recorded u on the drip leaf thingy
0:40 fake
I’ll be your friend!