I remember once I was playing bed wars and then these 3 guys got their bed killed they assumed it was me because I was the closest to their island so they followed me, i succesfully blocktrapped all of them and they fell to their demise, spent some time thinking about my life turned around and didn't realize the guy who originally broke the bed blocktrapped me too, GOOD LORD I was so thankful that my bed was still there
Edit: I almost forgot! The bitch who blocktrapped me was MY OWN TEAMMATE! Isn't that funny :)?
Texture pack?
FPS 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
When i saw this i immediately called my friends to play bedwars then i memed my friend
Hold up is it just me or the bits in the beginning 10 bits
That only works on Hypixel xD
Lmao they got rekkt💯
Man this doesn’t work if you have 128 ping
What pack is that
Same man same
I remember once I was playing bed wars and then these 3 guys got their bed killed they assumed it was me because I was the closest to their island so they followed me, i succesfully blocktrapped all of them and they fell to their demise, spent some time thinking about my life turned around and didn't realize the guy who originally broke the bed blocktrapped me too, GOOD LORD I was so thankful that my bed was still there
Edit: I almost forgot! The bitch who blocktrapped me was MY OWN TEAMMATE! Isn't that funny :)?
song name pls
Good one
Name texture pack
I hate PVP master
Yeah me too O.0
what's ur texture pack
My friend:say what he is smartest
I:Do trap
My friend: I'm falling
This is the definition of a tryhard
Plz resources pick?
Pov: thats me on yellow team
Alternative Title: Why I hate playing bedwars
Music name pls
I don't play bedwars but that's why I like watching it!❤️
I builded a bunker and no one killed me :
What is the texture pack it looks nice
What is the texture pack pleaseee 😀
I facepalmed so hard ngl
Me too but its my account fake and my real name is luis but my nickname is luigi too(my parents and my cousins sometime friends call me luigi)
In first seconds i tought they are cheaters lol
This is called real proo
I like the part when you Blick trap 2 people
Wow the fps is good