This is NOT Minecraft… ?!

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜

Does MineTest stand a chance of replacing Minecraft?

What if a group of hobby coders could make a better version of Minecraft than Mojang can? I mean, it’s been around for over 13 years now, and even with the controversy surrounding Mojang’s more recent decisions, Minecraft’s player base is still continuing to grow. But will that last forever?


» @CavemanFilms

» YouTube Audio Library
» Epidemic Sound


33 thoughts on “This is NOT Minecraft… ?!”

  1. Big thanks to CavemanFilms for co-writing and editing this video! Be sure to check out his channel in the description!
    Also, I will talk about Minecraft 1.19.1 on or before next Saturday!

  2. I LOVE Lua, it's so easy to use. I mainly use it in tandem with the Hammer Editor for Source games like Garry's Mod and Counter Strike. Definitely an excellent thing to make/mod Minecraft with.

  3. Personally I feel like when it comes to anything if the community has a source code to any game they could do any mod or do any update or they can do anything better than any game company can.
    Even with valve and Team Fortress 2 the community does it better.

  4. I have been alerted that the Taco Bell Illagers pic is in this video(I’m it’s creator) And I have a few things to say: One this is actually so funny cause while I don’t have the tumblr it was originally posted on anymore, I had several people call me the “AntVenom of Tumblr” because I posted about the Far Lands a lot. I think some of the posts are still making rounds despite the blog’s deletion. But it’s come full circle. More importantly: There are literally so many cool people I would never have met without that dumb meme. I’m talking about friends like @evvokers and I kid you not: my girlfriend as well.. To those of you in the “The Woodland Mansion” group chat I’m still in contact with(which is actually most of you) I love you all<333 But let’s keep our history silent.


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