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Today in Minecraft Bedrock Edition I am going to be showing you how to become the warden in game, this gives you many abilities such as your own personal sonic boom weapon…
Cool vids
Second finally
Your my favorite YouTube so cool!!!!! Keep it up you make me so happy after school watching your vids
Nice vid, keep up the good work👍
Mod name?
Wow that's what
I Really Liked This Warden Armor Since It Adds Uses For Killing The Warden
This mod is scary😱
Another way: download the tamable warden addon, give it a diamond and ride it and drink invisible potion and get a strong sword addon if its real and your the warden!
This is really USEFULL if you like the darkness🗿👍
this is also in Minecraft Fortify, which combinds all of weeweejuice's addons in one mod.
I wish we can find echo shard geode and upgrade to diamonds or netherite tools and armor
I literally just downloaded this mod yesterday from another video
Minecraft should take notes
7:06 why health bar in creative?
Nice video eckosoldier
This is super greatful keep work hard and please show more mods
Is it a mod or new update?
me: mom can we have warden?
mom: we have warden at home
warden at home:
Eckoshard, eckosword, eckopicaxe, ecko staff, ecko chestplate= super Eckosoldier
Really like this addon, the creator did a great job with it, thank you for showing it to us! Keep up the amazing content! Hope you are having a fantastic day! Take care.
Could you review 6th ceuntry addon?
I've seen a different mod that made warden randomly drop heart of darken when hiding in the ground
Heart of darkness could be used to ignite the portal to echo dimension
Heart has only 1 use so it breaks upon igniting the portal
On the other side there is no portal and you are placed in random location and the only way to get out is to find an ancient pyramid
Pyramid has 2 safe floors and 1 secret floor with echo worms protecting the portal
When you kill both worms you get access to chests with reinforced deepslate to fix the broken portal in the pyramid (portal ignites itself instantly when you fix it)
Also when you kill a warden it drops an item (i don't remember the name of the item) that can be crafted with 4 echo shards to create the reinforced echo shard
Combining a reinforced echo shard with netherite items transforms them into warden items
Warden items have higher durability and equiping whole set of warden armour gives you darkness resistance
There is a complete package in this mod that includes different weapons, armor and tools
invincible bee
Ecko are you going to do the top 5 bedrock servers to play again soon?
well I've defeated the warden without any swords or traps proof in my channel i would love if ECKOSOLDIER check the method 🥺
Oh that's a warden armor
Download the more tools addon it was the wardens battle axe that does the wardens sonic ability
Mojang need fix experiment because if one of expirement on it will crash the game
Hey ecko I think it would be cool if u did a try not to laugh challenge 😀 I wanna say thank you for making all this great content for us 😁 keep up the good work and I hope you hit 2mil soon 👍