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Minecraft 1.17 has been released on June 9, 2021 (Not the full version though)
And so I decided to try and show you things that you might not know about in Minecraft 1.17
🎶Music by C418
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Shader Pack – Sildurs Vibrant Shaders – https://sildurs-shaders.github.io/
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Jokes on you java players, us bedrock players still has the opportunity to skip the credits
Goats are anoying in survival
Actually the light block has been in ever since 1.12 or something-
The blue axlotls are rare? I legit had a world where I had like 14 buckets of them
Hey just don’t be jealous Java players but we had the rails and mine cart in water by the bedrock gang
In the adventure update
MLGLOL80:New features are rails waterlogging and lava cauldron
Bedrock players :is it really new? Or you misunderstood
3:19 , ! What a Logic👏
Now Perfect armour –
-Turlte shell
-Golden Legings
-Lether Boots
Netherite and diamond armour –
Him%you can add lava in cauldron
Me laughs in pocket edition
Sculk sensors are still available in invertory in bedrock
nice mantle cape lol
I predict the future(try)
Minecraft 1.18 sky update
Minecraft 1.19 aquatic update 2.0
Minecraft 1.20 mob update
Minecraft 1.21 combat update 2.0
Minecraft 1.22 weather update
Minecraft 1.23 april fools update
Minecraft 1.24 dragon update
Minecraft 1.25 mob update 2.0
Minecraft 1.26 village update 2.0
Me:spends half and hour making a redstone launcher
MLGLOL80: takes 10 seconds to launch with tnt
The light block ia in mobile already
MLGLOL80: First thing you should know about Drip Leaf
Me: I know its frickin d r i p
"You can get Milk from Goats"
The Goat in my Backyard: No! No! No! No! No! No! NO!
Me: Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YES!
Oh cool i didnt know there was a life control and romania control button on the keyboard!
The lightbulb wasn’t just added in version 17 it was here in 16
Optifine+spyglass= very easy to see very very far things
Launching dripstone and killing something is a trick shot
The drip leaf has drip
3:10 Minecraft logic
True fact:I know light block
Me my brother learning mincraft so quickly bc of you thank you!
But the glowing part not work
Vim pelo tazercraft
The rare axolotl is supposedly called the blueberry variant
dripleaf fact
anvil on a dripleaf:doesn't fall
feather on a fripleaf:falls
I already know about the light block but I dunno how to use it, I would like to say thank you for making this video
Wake up.
Goats added in minecraft cave and cliffs: sad hardcore player noises
But goats produce milk: happy milk drinkers noises
Raw ore added, which sames as a iron ore or gold ore, but raw ore can be multiple using fortune pickaxe: happy player noises
Glow in the dark squidward winning the vote: happy people who like decorations noises
Chillager lost in vote: sad people who have beeb waiting these
The invisible light block is now visible: sad magician noises
In nether, player can mlg in nether using snowdust bucket: happy weird green man with weird mask with weird smile nosies
Axolotl bucket added: happy aquarium guy noises
Drip leaf resistances to anvil, but fall if you drop the father: sad common sense player noises
imagine micraft 2.0
Whats amazing is that his profile picture looks so scary, but he's actually really nice!
2:13 headshot
2×2 water can be infinite source
i wish you can combine spyglass with a crossbow so you can snipe stuff with it